Bulking cycle for next fall i am thinking of...


New member
This is what im thinking of for next fall:

Weeks 1-13 500mg test enanthate/week
Weeks 1-10: 400mg eq/week
weeks 1-6: 50mg tren ed
weeks 10-14: 30mg dbol ed
weeks 7-14: 100mg eod durabolin
week 15: start of clomid therapy (extended an extra 1-2 weeks)

if not then then probably this:

Weeks 1-13: 500mg test enanthate
weeks 1-10: 400mg EQ
weeks 1-4: 75mg tren ed
weeks 11-14: 30mg dbol ed
weeks 8-14: 50mg tren ed

i would do the EQ for longer, but i do not have enough (MAKE SURE YOU READ THAT BEFORE YOU REPLY, damn canadians :) )
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Hey I think it looks good, but I personally would switch the tren and dbol. Run the tren at the end. what are your goals? I hope you explode on this one :D
Nutri-Wrestler said:

i would do the EQ for longer, but i do not have enough (MAKE SURE YOU READ THAT BEFORE YOU REPLY, damn canadians :) )

Use your MasterCard & get more EQ !! :D

Actually both look very interesting, kinda leaning towards the first one.
Greasy Greek- i am running a little tren at the end with the dbol. i was thinking of running the dbol at the end to see how i respond that way. my first 2 rounds with dbol were at the beggining of my cycle. now im curious how it will do at the end of my cycle.

oh yes, my golas with this are to get massive! and since i will actually have my own kitchen, cooking will be a lot easier whuich means i will be able to cook much more food and varity and more calorically dense food :)

StonecoldNTO- Smartass! :D
i wanna do NPP, just need to find a place that actually has it
I go with the first one, but switch the tren and durabolin. I'd say move the durabolin AND d-bol to the front of your cycle, but you seem dead set on not doing that. Durabolin is very suppresive, although not as bad as deca, tren is the just faster acting wouldn't inhibit recovery as much.

Looks good though. I like your choices.