Bulking stack advice.


New member
I plan on trying to bulk again.
Yes i have experience with steroids exc.

I was thinking on trying my last cycle again because i loved the results.
I did sus250 500mg/week for 10weeks with dbol 40mg 5weeks. i injected once a week

This time im thinking the same thing but inject every monday/wendsay 250/250 so itll be the same as last but get more advantage of the other esters. and for 12 weeks or longer if needed

Any advice for blowing up getting bulk? anything else i could stack with sus250 (by organon)?
Give me what you opinions. im stuck on sus because of fast and lasting results but want other opinions.
I have alot of gear (ill post a pic) and i can get anything i need. i just wanna know my options.
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I may be mistaken but isn't it safer to inject say Monday/Thursday to have somewhat of an equal amount of time between injections to keep your hormones stable?
As far as taking advantage of the esters you would need to inject every 2 days or 3 at the most. And when you think about it injecting Sustanon (sust) every 3 days would only bring you to 625mgs per week as an average so upping your dose by 125 mgs will allow you to maintain more stable blood levels
As far as advice regarding a cycle, if it ain't broken don't fix it. If it worked well for you do it again or do the E3D option stated above.
How long has it been since you finished your last cycle.
I would recommend Monday morning and Thursday evening shots to keep levels as stable as they will be with Sustanon (sust) at 2 injects per week.
Don't forget an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and PCT
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