bulking then cutting for summer.

Hey Bigdog, just reading thru this now, ECA stack does have slight anti-catabolic effects also, do a search on Clenbuterol. There is TONS of info and the like on this site. You are going to have to do cardio, start with 3 times a week and see from there. The guys have given you good advice here, but read read read, the brain is a muscle, its capable of hypertrophy so excercise it!
Personally...i dont think you should have a specific weight to cut to. Use your bf% as a measure first and foremost. Dont try to get too ripped unless you want to compete. Heres what I do for cardio....

Do cardio in the morning before you put anything into your stomach. I DO drink a water and protein shake just before I leave. This way you wont be burning the food you have eaten over the course of the morning, rather you will burn the fat since the body has been fasting overnight.
1. All I do is WALK for 40-45 min. in the morning (at a decent pace). Running will tire the muscles and cause muscle loss. YOU DO NEED TO HAVE A MORE INTENSE CARDIO, BUT DONT START THIS WHEN YOU FIRST START CUTTING.
2. You will lose weight from walking and keeping a clean diet. Once I hit a point where im not losing more wieght, I add in a more intense cardio day. Just 1 time per week. This includes 30 min. total - 10 min. jogging, 10 min. bike, and 10 min. of stair machine. Once you stop losing weight from this step...add in a 2nd day of mild-intense cardio.
3. If youre gonna use a thermo, ease into that as well. I start with green tea in the morning. Some use coffee. After you use that for a week or so, then you could start taking a pill. I personally use Tight! by SAN. It works pretty well for me and you only have to take it once a day instead of 3 or more.

for food...I take in a lot of protein(40g. a meal or so), about 50g. of fat from nuts and whatnot. You still need carbs so you dont get a flat look. I take most in during the morning and PWO meals. While cutting for PWO meal i take in 50g of whey and 50g. of dextrose. If i were gaining i would double the dextrose to about 100g. This all depends on how easily you put on weight.

P.S. This is just an IDEA for what you could do. I havent been through many cutting phases, but this is just what I do for cardio and thermo. Plus if I do anything wrong, it would be sweet if you guys could give me some advice as well. PAYCE!
i dont gain fat barley at all. im just goin to cut down the beer and cut out the milk and fast food and do cardio. i yhink this will work i dont do eny cardio right now
bigggdoggg said:
i dont gain fat barley at all. im just goin to cut down the beer and cut out the milk and fast food and do cardio. i yhink this will work i dont do eny cardio right now
lol, im not 100% on this, but cutting down on the beer, milk, and fast food might have positive effects on your bodyfat.
bigggdoggg said:
yes. soon its on the way. what would be a good cycle to get shredded but stil gain muscle

I personally was just messin, i dont juice. But hey, youre in the right place to ask people questions. Im not the guy tho, im a natty. 5'10" 210lbs. (while bulking) currently 192lbs. cutting blows...:(