Bunk tren? Zero side effects


New member
So my cycles is as follows:
Test e 500mg per week
Tren e 300mg per week
Hcg 500mg per week
Adex .5mg eod

I feel the test for sure. I am gaining weight and feeling stronger 3 weeks into my cycle. The thing that I am curious about is that I have zero sides from the tren. No night sweats, cough or anything. Could I be lucky or bunk gear? This is my first time running tren and I was expecting to not sleep for 10 weeks.

And I am using my phone since I am at work so please forgive the light information.
I have been running Ace for almost 4 weeks and have none of the negative sides. Was told that those are not indicative of good or bad tren. With trenE I believe that you have another week or 2 before anything. Also, your dose is on the lower side.
I started at 75 EOD and have gradually upped to 125 EOD.
Then again, maybe both of us have bunk gear....
Got mine from Pin a while back.
I have been running Ace for almost 4 weeks and have none of the negative sides. Was told that those are not indicative of good or bad tren. With trenE I believe that you have another week or 2 before anything. Also, your dose is on the lower side.
I started at 75 EOD and have gradually upped to 125 EOD.
Then again, maybe both of us have bunk gear....
Got mine from Pin a while back.

Yeah the low dose is because I was nervous about it hitting too hard too fast and it be a long ester. I was going to up to 400mg per week if it continues smooth or the sides are manageable.
Don't let sides determine legitimacy, once it hits you will know its tren. I personally only start to see sides at 500 - 600mgs tren E, sweating, restricted cardio, indegestion, but if I am under 500 then I see nothin.. Everyone reacts differently so give it a couple more weeks
Don't let sides determine legitimacy, once it hits you will know its tren. I personally only start to see sides at 500 - 600mgs tren E, sweating, restricted cardio, indegestion, but if I am under 500 then I see nothin.. Everyone reacts differently so give it a couple more weeks

Should I consider bumping up the dose? Will need to order another vial or two but no big deal. I want more tamoxifen anyway as I was one with gyno naturally in my teen years.
Id leave it at what you're doing. Its really too soon to start seeing the typical side effects that tren brings. It generally dose dependent also. Keeping your estrogen in check with the Adex is also going to help a lot also.
I'm on tren e now and the only side I get is night sweats. I already had it but not nearly as bad. Don't go by sides man go by blood work or before that feel. You should know you're on tren when it's kicked in.
Are u running a dopamine antagonist?

Not right now, tbh did not think too much into deca dick with tren but you are right. I will say that the wife is getting more then her fill right now. third time around she starts the fake headaches. And I did not have deca dick when I last ran deca at 600mg per week.

I can easily get some caber or bromo though. some help with the dosing would be appreciated.
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One other thing I wanted to add for anyone that might car about the potency of Test e that i chose to run. My first 2 cycles were run with Kalpha pharma gear and I felt them working but really didnt know what to expect other than elevated levels with bloodwork. This time I am using Geneza Test e and I feel it way more than my previous cycles! I dont have the bloodwork to support this yet but I feel the gear working hard and fast. Still no tren sides but i am only 22 days in on Tren e. by the way, my Test was on discount by my supplier so it was cheap for 10ml vial @250mg per ml
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One other thing I wanted to add for anyone that might car about the potency of Test e that i chose to run. My first 2 cycles were run with Kalpha pharma gear and I felt them working but really didnt know what to expect other than elevated levels with bloodwork. This time I am using Geneza Test e and I feel it way more than my previous cycles! I dont have the bloodwork to support this yet but I feel the gear working hard and fast. Still no tren sides but i am only 22 days in on Tren e. by the way, my Test was on discount by my supplier so it was cheap for 10ml vial @250mg per ml

So your test is Geneza, did you wanna share who the Tren is?? If not, I fully understand why.