Bursitis in the shoulder

Flexy Flexerson

New member
My delts have been bugging me for several months now. I can't bench and they are sore (not in a good way) after doing most upper body workouts. I think most likely it is bursitis.

Any suggestions to fix it? Is the fact that I've been taking HGH 2.5IU daily (no other gear) for 7 weeks an issue? I don't want to exacerbate the condition.


go to the doc...the only sure fire way to find out bro. take it from me man, i have had 4 shourlder surgeries, it isnt worth it. go get it looked at.
I had bursitis, they picked it up
via ultra sound, painfull after doing chest and shoulders just a constant burn, got a cortezone injection directly into it, rested for 4 weeks, got massages once a week for about 6 weeks and been fine ever since.