Buying gear in MEXICO bad idea?


New member
I live no more than 2 hours from the border does anyone have knowledge on if its legal to buy gear in Mexico? Of course I know the risk of bringing them back but I'm an average white guy and I'm not worried about it. This a good idea considering I don't have a source and have no idea where to buy online?
If you buy gear from a pharmacy you are allowed to show customs and have it documented as a legal prescription, you may only do this every 6 months legally.
Ok check this out man. I was a Marine and used to head down there every weekend when on a cycle. Walk into a pharmacy and buy the gear. Pin in their bathroom where they supplied alcohol and the rest of the necessities. Head back to base with 0 risk of getting busted for smuggling gear across. That was in the late 90's.

Fast forward to present day. It is not as safe down there as it used to be. You say you are a white guy? Guess already have a target on your back. What I have heard is that shit isn't like it used to be. The corrupt police are in on this shit now. You go in and buy some gear and money is exchanged. Then at the pharmacy they phone police. Corrupt police show up and demand money or you are going to jail etc, etc. Believe me that shit happens all the time. There is a larger risk than you think.

I don't even step foot in that shit hole anymore. Not worth the risk. I actually know a guy that was killed in a tijuana prison a few years ago. The police bashed his head in while he was in his cell intoxicated and belligerent.

Just my .02
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Yeah I hear dudes doing this a lot just dont bring back a huge supply of 15+ vials. Dont want to get charged with traficking
some of the stuff down there isn't even legit.. and the last time i was down there the price was too much for gear
Ok check this out man. I was a Marine and used to head down there every weekend when on a cycle. Walk into a pharmacy and buy the gear. Pin in their bathroom where they supplied alcohol and the rest of the necessities. Head back to base with 0 risk of getting busted for smuggling gear across. That was in the late 90's.

Fast forward to present day. It is not as safe down there as it used to be. You say you are a white guy? Guess already have a target on your back. What I have heard is that shit isn't like it used to be. The corrupt police are in on this shit now. You go in and buy some gear and money is exchanged. Then at the pharmacy they phone police. Corrupt police show up and demand money or you are going to jail etc, etc. Believe me that shit happens all the time. There is a larger risk than you think.

I don't even step foot in that shit hole anymore. Not worth the risk. I actually know a guy that was killed in a tijuana prison a few years ago. The police bashed his head in while he was in his cell intoxicated and belligerent.

Just my .02

This is the best advice. If you're not of Latino decent you run the chance of being kidnapped just for crossing into mexico. Find a ugl.
Look, here is the other thing. Alot of people who live here in southern California fail to realize that once you go beyond that rusty gate, you are now in a foreign country. You have no rights. If that Marine war veteran can't get the fuck out of there, do you think our government will give a shit about a guy who was arrested for steroids?

I i dont care what anyone says about getting shit down there. All it takes is one time. Just something to think about.
Sorry for beating this to death on my opinion, but if it saves someone from making a mistake then it's worth it to me. Granted these are totally different circumstances, but this is just an example of the kind of shit that happens down there. Most of the story that Mexican authorities gave was fabricated.

OK fuck mexico Ill just be patient until I find ugl or website thanks yall might have saved my life!
I'm currently working in Monclova, Mexico which is a small city about 200km from the Texas border. Been here for about 10 months now and although I've never had any serious problem I also am not stupid enough to push my luck. I stay out of bars/clubs, don't climb into taxis and generally don't stray too far from the hotel despite many invitations by the locals to go out and party. There are no municipal police force here only the federales and the Mexican army who drive around in pickup trucks with machine guns mounted in the back. Most of the locals here have never seen a bodybuilder before which gives me a small sense of comfort since they generally seen scared when they see me (not claiming to be a badass or anything but most are either fat or skinny fat...never even seen an arm vein since I've been down here).
As far as gear goes you can generally get the basics. Test, proviron, hcg, and very overpriced deca are pretty easy to find at the beinvedes pharmacy which is a large chain down here comparable to cvs or walgreens in the states. Despite the pharma grade gear I still kiss the ground every time I come home to Canada for my break, this place is absolutely digusting!
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Yeah I use to go there mid 90s. Going to the vets is rolling the dice. The pharmacy was always gtg but really the only thing worth it was the sust 250 but those ome in the redi-Ject pins. Real hard to summgle those. We use to put 10cc in old test bottles and tape them to our leg or something and walk across. Def wouldn't try it no days. I hear even some of the pharmacy gear is bunk.
Gear is legal down there but most of it is not above 250mg and are in amps and redyjects. But u can find 10ml vials. Bringing them back over that's not my area lol
I know nothing about steroids in Mexico, but I travel there frequently. Some of the stories...well, imagine a European who had never been to the U.S.A. flew in, took a taxi straight to the bronx, and got his ass kicked and wallet taken. Now he goes back to the airport, flies home, and tells all his friends that the U.S.A. is horrible and violent.

Guys going to border towns and saying that's representative of Mexico are no different. If a border town is all you have access to, don't go. But don't think that's representative of Mexico. I've been all up and down the Yucatan peninsula, had wonderful times in Veracruz, Villahermosa, Tampico. Yes, Mexican legal system is something of a joke. But if you're going to areas that the drug lords don't care about (again, you have to avoid border towns!) and not doing stupid shit, it's fine. And I don't walk around with a target on my back because most of the places I go they realize that tourism is their main commodity.

In a border town, they don't know if you're a tourist or an undercover U.S. agent. I have stopped in border towns occasionally, but I try my best to not set foot in Mexico if it's within 200 miles of Mexico City or 200 miles of the U.S.A. border.

Oh, and I sure as hell don't go down into South Dallas at night and walk around. That doesn't mean that Dallas is a hellhole, it means that there are safe parts and dangerous parts. Have I beat my analogy to death? Excellent!

Oh, and if you'll just get a decent tan then you'll blend right in anyway! ;)
I have been to Mexico City countless times and I never had a problem there. I never tried buying gear while there.
I know nothing about steroids in Mexico, but I travel there frequently. Some of the stories...well, imagine a European who had never been to the U.S.A. flew in, took a taxi straight to the bronx, and got his ass kicked and wallet taken. Now he goes back to the airport, flies home, and tells all his friends that the U.S.A. is horrible and violent.

Guys going to border towns and saying that's representative of Mexico are no different. If a border town is all you have access to, don't go. But don't think that's representative of Mexico. I've been all up and down the Yucatan peninsula, had wonderful times in Veracruz, Villahermosa, Tampico. Yes, Mexican legal system is something of a joke. But if you're going to areas that the drug lords don't care about (again, you have to avoid border towns!) and not doing stupid shit, it's fine. And I don't walk around with a target on my back because most of the places I go they realize that tourism is their main commodity.

In a border town, they don't know if you're a tourist or an undercover U.S. agent. I have stopped in border towns occasionally, but I try my best to not set foot in Mexico if it's within 200 miles of Mexico City or 200 miles of the U.S.A. border.

Oh, and I sure as hell don't go down into South Dallas at night and walk around. That doesn't mean that Dallas is a hellhole, it means that there are safe parts and dangerous parts. Have I beat my analogy to death? Excellent!

Oh, and if you'll just get a decent tan then you'll blend right in anyway! ;)

I totally agree with this, but that's why I specifically mentioned tijuana. The gentleman that started this thread is in LA. If he says he's going to Mexico that means he's going to TJ. It used to be a fun place to go, but now it's very dangerous. Especially for a non Spanish speaking white guy. I live 30minutes from the border and Im married to a Mexican American. She has a lot of friends there and she doesn't even want to go there anymore.
Yeah...the border towns. Yuck.

Funny story, years ago I decided to fly a light plane into Mexico. I read all the regs, did all my homework and off I went to Nuevo Laredo. After landing, I was escorted by armed guard to Commandante's office to "pay fees". Uh oh.

He's super nice, wearing a very expensive suit. Big smile. Uh oh. He says "let's say what I need to collect." Uh oh is feeling inadequate suddenly.

"Single engine or twin?" I tell him it's a single. He starts jabbing at his calculator. Asks the gross weight, I answer, more jabbing at his calculator. That's when I notice the Rolex. Oh shit.

He asks how many crew. Just me and my friend, I tell him, and he jabs at his calculator for what seems a long time. I wonder if he's just doing it for show at this point.

He looks up and says "88 pesos...or 8 dollars, either works." I hoped I didn't look as relieved as I felt. I gave him the cash, and he asked if we were hungry, and recommended some places in town to eat. It was a great trip, but I do believe the Rolex didn't reflect family money, he was probably subsidized by the local "pharmaceutical" business. :)

After that I've flown into all of the airports in the Yucatan and done some week long trips through Mexico by light plane. Every single person at every single airport has been friendlier than any person I've dealt with in CBP coming back in to my home country. Kinda sad.