calf injection questio


member #31
can i inject into both heads of the gastoc ? ie could i theoretically inject 4x / week into my calves. say 1 cc / shot
does it hurt ?? it would be sust/fina. mostly fina
mine suck, so we'll see if this'll work. I dont really care if they hurt alot to do. why not just do'em ??
you guys

have no idea how much it hurts its not even funny. dont do iton leg or back or cardio day it will kill u for at least 4 days or so till the pain subsides.

I've hit both heads with a 25g, 1". I did get a vein on the outer head once though... Also hit a nerve on the outer head of the other calf once, caused a muscle contraction, but no pain.

Some people complain of pain or cramps, I've never had either...
yeah, first couple times it hurts but then it is no problem. i hit both heads with fina and Winstrol (winny) and use a 28 half inch insulin pin for both . goes in smooth as butter with little pain
I'm not fond of calf injections. I did my calves last week for a change and it was not comfertable to say the least. If your doing ed injections calves might be an option but otherwise I just say no.