Caloric Deficit while on Tren A and Test P?


New member
Good evening all, I'm 29, 6'2 215lb at abour 16% bf, been lifting for 6+ years. I'm on my second week of Test P 100mg eod/trenace 75 mg every other day. I do fasted cardio in the morning mon-sun and lift everydy night but wed and sat or sun. My question is i want to maintain my size (not opposed to adding some size) but want to keep training BF, My TDEE is about 3000 and ive been around 2200-2400, 320g protein 60g carbs 100g fats. Doing this will i atleast maintain my size while trimming fat? Should i up it a bit and add to my carbs or fats?

Not sure what you mean maintain size, but you should be able to maintain your muscle mass. You will drop glycogen though due to your Low carb diet, but that will come back when you start eating carbs again.

You should drop fat as well. AAS - Tren especially - helps with nutrient partitioning.
Not sure what you mean maintain size, but you should be able to maintain your muscle mass. You will drop glycogen though due to your Low carb diet, but that will come back when you start eating carbs again.

You should drop fat as well. AAS - Tren especially - helps with nutrient partitioning.

Yea i meant maintaining mass and dropping bf, what % do you think i can get to by cycles end in 2 months and what % do you think im starting at?
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I think you are higher than 16%. Probably closer to 20%. Hard to tell though without seeing your legs. Why don't you just get a Body Pod Scan? They cost about $45.

As to how low you can get it in two months that will depend on your diet and motivation.
Tren increases feed efficiency and is very good at preserving muscle.

Youre actually higher in bodyfat.

Could you detail your diet out for me?
Tren increases feed efficiency and is very good at preserving muscle.

Youre actually higher in bodyfat.

Could you detail your diet out for me?


5:30am 45 min fasted cardio

6:30am: 2 scoops Whey Protein w/ water

9:00am: 3 eggs and 2 egg whites omelet w/ 6oz turkey breast

11:30am: 8oz chicken mixed into a green salad

2:00pm: same as my 11:30 meal (if not chicken it's fish)

5:00pm: 2 scoops of whey w almond milk and tbsp p28 pb

6:00pm(or so) workout

8:00pm: 8oz grilled chicken

Since i started eating clean i have lost about 20 lb in about 6 weeks or so
If my workout is done early ill have a shake after wait an hour and then have chicken/avocado/egg thrown in a salad if not ill skip the shake and just have the meal

let me give you some pointers here..

you should be having some carbs before your workout..

so what i would do is lose the shake before the workout and eat some chicken and carbs.. about 40g carbs and 40g protein 1 hour before the gym..

i would also add whey and a simple carb post workout..

furthermore, you should be eating a slow digesting protein before bed.. chicken isn't going to cut it.. i would recommend beef or plain 2% fat greek yogurt

you need to take your carb intake up..

at 100g a day its fairly likley your liver is producing glycogen anyways.. so go up to 150 and reduce your fat intake to make up for the calories..

that should set you straight..

if youre interested in having a professional set you up (my carb cycle would do wonders for you) with a proper nutrition and training plan for your goals check me out
website:3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.

heres a recent clients banda pic