Calories while on cutting cycle?


New member
When running a cycle of whatever, test/winny or whatever would be a good "stack" for cutting...

What would calories look like? Still below maintanence? I know this may sound stupid but hey, what can I say!

If they are below maintanence, you cant gain muscle even on the "juice" can you? So, would the point of the "juice" on a cutt be strictly muscle retention while your trying to burn fat? (basically they would be there to preserve muscle only?)
u see the link in my sig called free diet advice??

read through post 1
u see the link in my sig called free diet advice??

read through post 1

I think I did...

I understand the principles of cutting. Simply put, eat less than you burn. (Very vague I know). And keep protein high, do cardio, get your fats (the rite kinds) ect.

But, I am asking if all the same principles apply while ON CYCLE?
I think I did...

I understand the principles of cutting. Simply put, eat less than you burn. (Very vague I know). And keep protein high, do cardio, get your fats (the rite kinds) ect.

But, I am asking if all the same principles apply while ON CYCLE?

I have been wondering the same as well. Any advice would be great!
^ x3

I just started my pre-contest diet, so im cutting, but im also hoping to grow into this show a little bit. im keeping my protein high (~250g/day) and carbs are being cycled between like 220g-100g/day. so my calories will vary but its anywhere from 2000-3000 right now i estimate.

so the goal is to get more cut up, but also put on lean muscle with limited calories. and hopefully using test tren and masteron will help with this goal.
Well i've done 1.8K calories intake on a cut with intense workout and intese cardio afterward. I lost fat everywhere except my waist. I also only lost 1.5% or so of BF. I fucking hate cutting!!!!!!!

That's is all in 4 weeks or soabd super clean diet with only two cheat meals in 4 weeks and super low carb intake

that's what we call starving yourself..
On a nice dose of test and/or tren I will go 500-800 calories below maintenance through a combination of diet/cardio.

As long as I keep the carbs <150g/day it gives me enough energy and melts the fat off. I LOVE tren because it crushes my appetite, I gain lean mass and I don't crave carbs at all. Stuff makes me an irritable bastard but results are amazing.
tren is a very much so a diff story..

what cycle are you planning on running OP??
When running a cycle of whatever, test/winny or whatever would be a good "stack" for cutting...

What would calories look like? Still below maintanence? I know this may sound stupid but hey, what can I say!

If they are below maintanence, you cant gain muscle even on the "juice" can you? So, would the point of the "juice" on a cutt be strictly muscle retention while your trying to burn fat? (basically they would be there to preserve muscle only?)

mostly to preserve muscle. if your lucky mybe add on an lb or 2 but not much. and thats if its SUPER STRONG cycle.

mostly to hold on to muscle better and yes still below needed cals. or at about there with some supps like need2slin, green tea, ALCAR ect.
The preservation of muscle is what they would be used for. Like porkchop said, you'll be lucky if you gain a couple of pounds of LBM.