Calve Training

Irish Pride

New member
What are some methods you fellas have had success with as far as bulking up the Cavs a bit?

Also would you say 3-4 days a week hitting them is overkill?

coming from me, i've always had good calf development due to the fact that I was a sprinter and pole vaulter in high school.

so the main one's that i do are seated calf raises (full extension on the down swing), standing calf raises (again with the full extension), and I'll sometimes throw in some one leg raises on a stair or something and do them real rapid to get that quick twitch fiber...almost like i'm jumping, i like those they burn me real good.

and i'd say if you don't train chest 3-4 times per week, why do that with a much smaller muscle group?

if you run, walk, stand, or use your feet you are giving your calves a work out, so why over train?

very tru,..they don't need more workouts to get them to respond,i treat them like any other body part........:D

Train calves like any other bodypart, & heavy as shit...but dont overdo the volume...

I train my calves currently once every 5 days, with standing raises & seated raises...heavy as shit 4-8 reps...

Once I go over 8 reps, my calves start to shrink like mad...I know most people advocate high reps on calves, I tried that for years then I decided to listen to my body & train them how "I" felt they should be trained & they started growing finally...

Try this...

Load up the standing calf raise machine with as much weight as you do on your last set regularly. Lift the weight and hold it for as long as you can. As soon as you are done, lighten the weight by 40 - 50 pounds and do it again. After you hold this to failure, light the weight again and do as many full reps as you can.

If you can handle it, you can then walk over and do some seated calf raises. Go home and call it a day!
Try either the donkey calf machine or the standing calf, and then do the seated calf. Some people just have shitty genetics for certain muscle groups. Mine just happens to be calves.
calves are indirectly worked in a lot of heavy core exercises, so you should analyze your current routine and take that into consideration. I only do calves once a week directly, which consists of standing calf raises and seated calf raises both 3 sets of 20. on the other days though, i do a lot of olympic lifting which indirecly builds the calves because of the explosion needed off of them. So if you sprint or do explosive lifting, then more than once or twice a week is overkill. Otherwise lift it a few times a week, they are a small muscle and heal rather quickly.
Did anyone try the program I recommended? I do this once and a while and the next day I can hardly walk. give it a try next time you do calves.