Can anybody answer this?


New member
What is going on?

I am running my fifth cycle, and my first in over three years, and for the first time my libido crashed at week three. I am using EQ for the first time and have heard conflicting reviews on its effect on the libido with test.

29 y/o, 6 ft, 220lbs ,14-16%bf

Up 10 lbs from cycle..
1-5 Test Prop-150mg EOD (stealth)
1-8 EQ- 5OO splint MR (stealth)
9-14 EQ 600 splint MR (axio)
2-12 TEST C 600 split MR (might increase to 700 wk 8) (axio)
12-14 PROP - 150mg EOD

I'm currently at the end of week three, sex drive increased from end of week one up two week three and then it crashed. I wondered if it was because the EQ was in my system a week before the test C, but figured since I had prop running with it that I should have continued to maintain my sex drive. It seems that it has been decreasing each day. Any suggestions, ideas, or comments? I could use some advice all around the table.

I am thinking about ramping the prop up to 200 EOD to see if it may be underdosed, but you would think that as long as the test is the same or higher than the EQ sex drive should be maintained.

1-10 andropen 500mg wk
1-10 deca 400mg wk
1-4 Dbol- 25mg ED

2nd- exact same as first cycle.

3rd- Test prop/tren A
1-6 prop 100mg EOD
1-5- tren 75mg EOD

1-12 test c-600mg wk
1-4 dbol 50mg ED
8-12 Winstrol tabs 50mg ED

PCT: for all of the cycles I run chloride, nova and HCG, and only at the end.
Are you running an AI? My guess is that its from elevated estrogen from the test armomatizing. If your not on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) then get on one. If you are, maybe increase the dose. Either that or your test is bunk.
I will begin using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I have serms on hand and will have arimidex next week. Would it do more harm than good to use a small daily does of chlomid until it arrives?
Ok, thank you, but would it help to take chlomid now? I do not have symptoms of gyno, but the test is deff aromatizing, because I would usually have a very high sex drive.

Also, since excess test is aromatizing should I discontinue the prop now?
If you have NOTHING else to take yes. If you have aromasin, arimidex, nolvadex, or anything else take that instead.

Oh and yeah continue with the prop. Ride out the storm. You can do this your just gonna be in a funk for 2-3 weeks.

Only take the clomid if your going to have enough for post cycle therapy (pct) still. This is better than nothing but clomid is probrably the poorest choice to run as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Make sure you get something better. If its taking too long in the mail, call a friend from your gym.

This is your 5th cycle and you don't have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand? Better yet, with the cycle you picked you SHOULD have been running aromasin or arimidex from day 1, no questions asked.

Some constructive critisism here, no offense intended; Brush up on the fundamentals again. No Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is a noob mistake buddy. Somewhere along the way you decided your not a sensitive individual and you don't need to run an AI.... well I bet you think otherwise now :D GL man!
Erectus, touché, and thank you for the good advice. You pretty much nailed it. I had it for my very first cycle and never needed it and eventually canned it after laying around for a couple years. After that I never included it as an important part of my cycle, but like you said, it will deff be an important part of all my cycles now. I never kickstarted with prop, so I am sure the extra test was too much for the body to balance. I will ride out the storm, just feel week and lost my rush. Also ended up getting sick so that played a part in it. Anyways, I will start the chlomid and my arimidex will be here by Friday.

I am thinking about taking the chlomid at 100mg for the first three days and then 50mg for three days, then 25 until the arimidex gets here. Does that seem fair to you?