can beastdrol be used for recomp and cutting


New member
i have one cycle left of the beast if i was to take just 2 or 3 caps daily,and stay on my high def training and cardio and and kept my calories around 2000 like i've been doing will it help me to get leaner and more def or would it still bulk me up,just curious
I think ti would be VERY good for cutting. but I personally would run no less then 200mg test ew with it. I would not run it solo, but know alot do.
I was going to use it for this cutter im on now since i have a bottle but decided on a tbol/var combo with my tren/mast/test cycle in sterad this time.
will use the beast in fall i think.
not planing to use test until the fall,,but thanks for the advice...i'm thinking if i use it as a light cycle it should help to maintain and hopefully build a little more muscle while i try to lean out more,shooting for a 34 waist almost there another month should do it,just don'y want to lose my 18 arms..
I would think that katanadrol would be the way to go if you are looking to lean out a bit. If you are set on using beastdrol because you already have it then try using n2slin along with it for the recomp effect.
I would think that katanadrol would be the way to go if you are looking to lean out a bit. If you are set on using beastdrol because you already have it then try using n2slin along with it for the recomp effect.

Need2slin is a GREAT product and im using tinow, also katanadrol is nice also.
beast will be fine to cut. IMO, to reduce sides on cycle like lethargy, stack it with Androhard. Beast + Androhard would be a great cycle. If you need a discount on Androhard (if you plan to pick it up) let me know.