Can Cialis make Healthy guys impotent?


Pro Bodybuilder
sure as hell didnt make me impotent. ive takin about 30-40 of em all together throught the last 6 months. usualy only on weekends when i was spending the nite with someone never wasted them on one niter's
I don't know about cialis but viagra does mess up healthy men. if you havvvve to take it then take it, if not, just take it when you realllyyy need it.
I've taken Cialis afew times and worked great for me. I would only use it if I was planning on spending acouple of days with someone. But the reason I mostly used it was because I was in post cycle and didnt want to take anychances that I wouldnt be able perform. But I havent just it since then. I've been off acouple of months now and have no problems.
I think if it doesn't physically then it could mentally if you start taking it all the time. My one bro almost thinks he needs it or his dong won't work without it. I think mentally it can "screw ya" for lack of better words.
Jacked said:
I don't know about cialis but viagra does mess up healthy men. if you havvvve to take it then take it, if not, just take it when you realllyyy need it.

Where did you hear that? Neither viagra nor cialis does shit for me, so I may not be a good judge, but I have never heard of that before.
I'm not writing for it at this time because they don't have the safety studies Viagra does.
SWALE said:
I'm not writing for it at this time because they don't have the safety studies Viagra does.

It hasn't been released in the USA as far as I know. Have you seen a roll-out date?
Jacked said:
I don't know about cialis but viagra does mess up healthy men. if you havvvve to take it then take it, if not, just take it when you realllyyy need it.

What's your source on this information?
Well I read it in Men's Health but I can't find the article so I can't tell you where they got their info from, HOWEVER, I had a friend who started taking viagra when he was 17-18 (now 22) for no reason and little by little he built a tolerance to it. Today he's up to 200mg now and it is hard for him to get an erection without it.

I know that's only one case but it's pretty damn convincing to me.
Jacked--Your friend may indeed be suffering an organic cause for his ED (erectile dysfunction) which is worsening, hence higher doses (although 200mg at a time is too much). Alternatively (and I suspect this is more likely) he has developed a psychological addiction to Viagra. IOW, he uses it because he is just sure he cannot "perform" without it.