can I get some tips for a future test cyp/deca cycle


New member
Hey everyone new to this forum, haven't had time to get to a laptop to update my profile just yet but as of now I'm 202lbs about 15% bf, 6'3 hit the gym 6 times a week, cardio 3x per week and I'm currently on a test e/ anadrol cycle. I have 3 cycles under my belt so far. However I'm now trying to set up my next cycle it goes like this:

Dbol: 50mg/day 4wks
Test cyp: 750mg 12wks
Deca: 400mg 12wks
Ghrp-6: 100mcg 3x/day 4 months
Cjc no dac: 100mcg 3x/day 4months
Hcg: 250iu 2x/week week 9-13
Insulin: 10iu everyday 4 weeks.

Ill have adex, aromasin, clomid and nolva all on hand, I haven't yet figured out my pct that's something I'd like some help with, something to bring me back so I don't lose all my gains. I don't need any information on slin, I've researched that plenty and I'm currently on it, I know all dangerous things that could happen.
I haven't bought anything just yet so i have several months to perfect this, any help will be great.
I've researched everything to the best of my ability but if anything looks strange let me know thanks.
this sounds like a pretty great cycle to run if: (1) you were already lean or (2) if it was the beginning of off season. if you plan on running this cycle soon i do not recommend it because this a straight up bulking cycle. not only will you bloat like crazy but you will get pretty fat especially with that insulin in the mix.

you should think of a cutting cycle to run since summer is right around the corner. you don't wanna be cutting when summer's already here.. you wanna be ready when t-shirt weather comes.

if i were you, i'd be looking at cutting cycles to run right about now with mast or tren, winny, etc etc.
Hey everyone new to this forum, haven't had time to get to a laptop to update my profile just yet but as of now I'm 202lbs about 15% bf, 6'3 hit the gym 6 times a week, cardio 3x per week and I'm currently on a test e/ anadrol cycle. I have 3 cycles under my belt so far. However I'm now trying to set up my next cycle it goes like this:

Dbol: 50mg/day 4wks
Test cyp: 750mg 12wks
Deca: 400mg 12wks
Ghrp-6: 100mcg 3x/day 4 months
Cjc no dac: 100mcg 3x/day 4months
Hcg: 250iu 2x/week week 9-13
Insulin: 10iu everyday 4 weeks.

Ill have adex, aromasin, clomid and nolva all on hand, I haven't yet figured out my pct that's something I'd like some help with, something to bring me back so I don't lose all my gains. I don't need any information on slin, I've researched that plenty and I'm currently on it, I know all dangerous things that could happen.
I haven't bought anything just yet so i have several months to perfect this, any help will be great.
I've researched everything to the best of my ability but if anything looks strange let me know thanks.

With your stats I see you making very nice gains with 500mg of test ew for 12 weeks. There is a lot of info here on nutrition and training. Sorry but I feel you are lacking in both areas. This is constructive criticism.

The first step in the right direction always hurts. Something is wrong my friend. You came to the right place for help though.