can i go from 13%bf to single digit with out fat burners only tren prop winstrol?


New member
i cant take any fat burners since i have high bp, and taking bp meds. when im on aas.
im on my 7th week of a 12 week cutting cycle. prop tren winstrol.. currently just started tren on week 6, planing to do it for 6 weeks and add winstrol last 4 stats are ..

205pd , 5'10 , 31yrs old. 13%bf.

i workout 5 times a week, and just started doing cardio after my weight training, since i added the tren to my cycle, 30mts. 4 x a week. diet is perfect.

can i go down to a single digit bf% only using aas, and dieting,, i have done it before but with clen and t3, this was before i got any bp issues..
You can only do it by dieting, there are no fat burners, tren and Anavar (var) will actually reduce visceral fat but the point of AAS is to maintain muscle while cutting. So it can be done with test, if you have high BP what do you think tren and any AAS is doing, they all increase BP and many raise RBC's making blood thick.
just make sure you get on a good diet, im on a high protein diet and i've lost 30lbs from 220 down to 190lbs and im still going till i hit 4-6%bf, I believe im at 8-10%. Just be strict with your diet, do cardio, and make sure your doing high reps and low weight.
U can go to single digits with a good diet. IMO, you can always lose weight naturally so you dont need to take any of that shit and do that to your body. Just put the juice money into a good diet
You can only do it by dieting, there are no fat burners, tren and Anavar (var) will actually reduce visceral fat but the point of AAS is to maintain muscle while cutting. So it can be done with test, if you have high BP what do you think tren and any AAS is doing, they all increase BP and many raise RBC's making blood thick.

Im on test prop, 100 eod,, and tren 100 eod,, until i incorporate my wisntrol 100 eod. off cycle i have normal bp, no problems at all.. but during aas cycles it goes up, i know thats normal.. so , its not necesary to take any stacks like eca,, cec,, clen t3?
just make sure you get on a good diet, im on a high protein diet and i've lost 30lbs from 220 down to 190lbs and im still going till i hit 4-6%bf, I believe im at 8-10%. Just be strict with your diet, do cardio, and make sure your doing high reps and low weight.

I will,thanks.. wow 4-6% is crazy, only been to about 9-10%bf before.. now im 13%bf, aiming for 8% or lower.. high reps low weight? i heard thats a myth!
Actually a much better approach is to try and keep lifting heavy so you don't lose the adapation you made in the offseason. There is room for high reps for fat oxidation but the majority should be heavy weight with reduced volume.

so, i should mix it up,, one week low weight high reps and the other, heavy weight low reps?
Winstrol is 100% pointless unless your doing a competition because it sheds the water weight out of your body and once you stop taking it the water eight comes right back on
Winstrol is 100% pointless unless your doing a competition because it sheds the water weight out of your body and once you stop taking it the water eight comes right back on

no im not compeating i wish i was that fit, lol, but i am trying to go to the lowest bf% i can. i always did prop, tren , Winstrol (winny) for a cutter,, so what do u recomend? anavar maybe? I have anavar , so should i just do anavar instead of winstrol? what do u think?
also have primo .. forgot to add that.

Yes I would drop the winstrol and throw I Anavar (var) and run the primo for 18-20weeks at 800mgs/wk

And run test low at testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of 150-200mgs/wk and tren for 14-16weeks
Yes I would drop the winstrol and throw I Anavar (var) and run the primo for 18-20weeks at 800mgs/wk

And run test low at testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of 150-200mgs/wk and tren for 14-16weeks

The problem is that im on my 8th week of my cycle. and i can only do a 16 week clycle, since i have to travel in January.
i started with prop 200mg eod, and npp 100 eod. for the fist 6 weeks. then i dropped the npp and integrated the tren.a. and now im on my 7th week. of my cycle. and going on my second week of using the tren.a.

tren a. 125mg eod ,,,, i started tren on week 7
test prop. 100mg eod. i lowerd my prop dose, since i get better results with the tren higher than the prop

so basically i have 8 more weeks to my cycle, when should i add the Anavar (var) , what week? and the primo?
You can only do it by dieting, there are no fat burners, tren and Anavar (var) will actually reduce visceral fat but the point of AAS is to maintain muscle while cutting. So it can be done with test, if you have high BP what do you think tren and any AAS is doing, they all increase BP and many raise RBC's making blood thick.

Diet AND Mindset!!