Can i run proviron in PCT instead examestane


New member
Hello, is there somebody well-educated that can tell me if i can run 25-50 mg proviron in pct within 20 mg nolvadex and 50 mg clomid
You shouldn't need an AI during PCT. Your test levels should be normal during PCT. I would not run proviron either during PCT.
I was actually just about to make a thread about this myself. OP, read this study on the effects prov has to the HPTA (or lack thereof). Would also like some other people's opinion on this.
Mesterolone treatment of patients with pathospermia. - PubMed - NCBI

I've read the full study elsewhere and, unfortunately, the authors summary in the abstract is incorrect (which may be why no one references that study anymore).

Provi at does below 50mg doesn't have a statistically significant inhibitory effect on LH.
However, there is a difference between having a statistically significant effect, and having no effect :)

Provi, even at 25mg, still has an effect on LH but it isn't anything to be bothered about in normal circumstances (hence not significant).
However, PCT is not a normal circumstance since your actively trying to recover your natural hormonal production. So, IMO, this is where Provi will do much more harm than normal.

In short, it has no place whatsoever in pct.
I've read the full study elsewhere and, unfortunately, the authors summary in the abstract is incorrect (which may be why no one references that study anymore).

Provi at does below 50mg doesn't have a statistically significant inhibitory effect on LH.
However, there is a difference between having a statistically significant effect, and having no effect :)

Provi, even at 25mg, still has an effect on LH but it isn't anything to be bothered about in normal circumstances (hence not significant).
However, PCT is not a normal circumstance since your actively trying to recover your natural hormonal production. So, IMO, this is where Provi will do much more harm than normal.

In short, it has no place whatsoever in pct.

I see, well maybe its something to try after you've recovered. It's been about 3 months since pct and I'm fully recovered. Think I might take prov at 25mg/day and get some bloods to see if therre is any difference. I'll post the results if anyone is interested