Can I suspend Anavar or Turinabol powder in olive oil?

is grape seed oil thinner than olive oil. i used olive oil for my tbol and grape seed for my aromasin and the aromasin comes out much much easier. ?
would Anavar (var) and and dbol last longer in the body if suspended in a oil and injected like Winstrol (winny) acts longer in the body when injected and does not loss as much strength as oral does?
yeah i think they will last longer in the body, doc cj did a post about it recently. when my ethyloleate comes im gonna make the rest of my Tbol injectable.

also by the way i suspeded some stuf in grape seed oil and some in olive oil and the oil oil its so fuking hard to draw out. it takes like 3 minutes for an ml and i have to keep shaking it will doing it.
simpllyhuge said:
yeah i ended up doing that and ripping the stopper and metal off.

Yeah, I recently suspended anavar in EVOO as suggested by Dougoe. I ended up having to do the same after struggling to suck up the oil with an 18g needle. I soon realized that the thickness of olive oil is what makes it perfect for suspending tricky powders that won't dissolve into solution.
Anything will suspend in anything techincally, quality is the issue. The dose is important too because if you're looking for a small dose (under 20mg/ml), it can suspend too unevenly due to clumping and viscosity. Then Id look to a solution with ethanol.
i use grape seed oil now so i can leave the stopper on and its less messy to do so.

can this be done with any poweder? even supplements that i dont feel like capping? such as nooptropics?
I'm thinking about suspending some Anavar (var) in EVOO @ 30mg/ml. How are you guys storing it once its suspended? Are you just mixing and leaving it in the
original bottle of EVOO? Also, is UV light an issue with affecting potency?