Can letrozole permanently affect estrogen?


New member
Doing some googling and I've seen some people say letrozole can permanently kill estrogen, is this true?

Also a week in and I have no sex drive, I'm in week 1 of the 6 week gyno reversal protocol.... how long to recover sex drive after letro?

Currently on TRT therapy.
permanently ? no , reason why is because as long as you have test coming in , and test converts to E, then you have an unlimited supply of E .. but letro can crash your E real hard and real fast, and it will take time to recover your E levels . no sex drive so you prob crashed E , how much letro were you taking?

don't over worry crashed E too much . body builders do it going into competition all the time , its not 'permanent' and you will recover
I'm doing the 6 week gyno reversal protocol.... I'm at 2.5mg, it's week 2, 4 more to go.... besides sex drive, it's really zapping my strength
Maybe temporarily, if not because I assume you are off steroids atm? then it may be offset by an increase in test>DHT through crushing your E2, whiich can stimulate LH and therefore more Test not aromatasing a slight increase in DHT.

Just a theory, but I would probably assume crushing e2 will remove some strength either way, less water volume, sore joints etc... I would consider running a SERM instead or both if your going to do letro, do it right and watch out for rebound which I would counter with a SERM or tapering of the letro itself.
Will I lose size/strength?... also isn't low estrogen linked to low body fat?

low body fat is linked to low estrogen (not the other way around) . body fat contains aromatase enzymes, so the more fat you have the more aromatse you have and therefore the more you'll convert test into estrogen. lowering estrogen will not lower your body fat, but lowering your Bf% will help lower estrogen.

letro, or any AI is a performance decreaser . your strength and performance in the gym will go down while taking Anti E's (thats why power lifters don't run AIs on cycle much). higher estrogen helps with inter cellular water retention and strength.