can one diet while taking steroids like deca & sustanon ?


New member
hello dear members,

is it true that while on steroids one should not be empty stomach for long as steroids then affect internal organs ?

i just want to be on egg whites.....protein shakes & fruits & dont want to eat anything else throughout the day.

Is it ok ?
You need to read through this forum and learn as much as you can. You will damage yourself if you just eat egg whites and protein shakes. You can diet while taking any steroid, but you have to be smart.
Thank you so very much for replying..

Sure....i will be regularly reading all the threads & articles here in the forum......& will try to gain as much knowledge as i can.

Thanks once again....
You really need to learn what a healthy diet is. Consuming egg whites, protein shakes and fruits is absolutely unhealthy. Where are your fats? Do you realize how important fats are?

Lets just say NO to what you propose. I might suggest you hire 3J even temporarily so he can teach you the basics. There's nothing wrong with not being on a "bulking" diet while on steroids, but you just can't do that if you have no idea of your body's basic needs in terms of health and anabolism.
Thank you so very much sir for your valuable advice.........
sure i will definitely follow your advice and do the needful......

thanks a lot once again...
is 100 bucks up in expense? how about a payment plan for 100 bucks?
i try really hard to make myself available to everyone

remember guys if you dont have the funds i have a free diet advice thread in the diet section :D
remember guys if you dont have the funds i have a free diet advice thread in the diet section :D

Not to hijack, but this always bugs me, Guys can afford gear, blood tests and everything else and then they cant afford a Proper diet plan, It should be a standard cost you account for in you cycle. Without diet your wasting your cycle.

3J is cheap and always willing to work with his clients even when funds are tight,
80% of your gains will come from diet