Common acronyms:
19-nor - 19-Norandrostenedione
AAS - Anabolic Androgenic Steroids
Adex - Arimidex (Anastrozole)
AI - Aromatase Inhibitor
Albut - Albuterol
B&C - Blast and Cruise
Caber - Cabergoline
Clen - Clenbuterol
Clomid - Clomiphene
DA - Dopamine Agonist
DAWS - Dopamine Agonist Withdrawal Syndrome
DHT - Dihydrotestosterone
E2 - Estradiol
ED - Erectile Dysfunction
Free T - Free Testosterone
FSH - Follicle Stimulating Hormone
GnRH - Gonadotropin-releasing hormone
hCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (mimics LH)
HCT (or HT) - Hematocrit
hMG - Human Menopausal Gonadotropins (mimics FSH)
HPTA - Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis
Keto - Ketotifen or Ketogenic Diet
LH - Lutenizing Hormone
NAC - N-Aceytl Cysteine
Nolva - Tamoxifen
PCT - Post Cycle Therapy
PIP - Post Injection Pain
Prami - Pramipexole
Ralox - Raloxifene
SERM - Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator
SHBG - Sex Hormone Binding Globulin
Slin - Insulin
T3 - Triiodothyronine (thyroid hormone)
T4- Thyroxine (thyroid hormone)
TRT - Testosterone Replacement Therapy (aka HRT - Hormone Replacement Therapy)
TSH = Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
TT - Total Testosterone
Can Males Run Oral-Only Cycles?
The answer is simple. No. Men cannot run oral only cycles. Injectable testosterone must be included in every cycle. The reason is due to the fact that oral steroids shut down a man's natural testosterone production - yes, even your precious Anavar. Men's bodies need testosterone to function properly. If you don't believe me, ask any hypogonadal (Low T) man how he feels without sufficient testosterone coursing through his veins. If you are going to run a cycle and shut down your natural endogenous testosterone production by using an exogenous steroid (oral or injectable), it must be run with injectable testosterone. You cannot use an oral form of testosterone as it is very bad for your liver. And gels/creams will not sustain high enough or consistent enough testosterone levels. If you are too afraid to inject yourself, you should not use steroids.
What Age is Too Young to Cycle and Why?
At 'Ology we generally recommend that males wait until they are 25 years old to us AAS. Prior to this age, your average male's HPTA and endocrine system are still developing. Using AAS prior to age 25 can be very harmful to these systems and result in permanent damage. Studies have shown that there are permanent reductions in Total Testosterone levels as a result. ED and fertility can be affected. Some guys never recover properly and have to go on TRT for the remainder of their lives. And running AAS prior to age 20 will likely result in fusing of the growth plates. Please refer to the second post in MrRippedZilla's thread for more information.
What should I run for PCT?
Here is a good thread on the topic.
I also want to mention that a lot of guys seem to want to run hCG during PCT. It should be not run during PCT as it is suppressive to the HPTA.
The next thread is an interesting discussion around Triptorelin. I wish it had linked the studies though.
Information on hCG:
My general position on hCG is that it should be used on cycle to help minimize testicular atrophy experienced when AAS is used. This will help one recover faster and better when the cycle ends and PCT begins. But as mentioned above, do not use hCG during PCT as it is suppressive to the HPTA. Here are a couple of great threads with lots of details about hCG. hCG is typically ran at 250iu every 3.5 days.
Study on biphasic testicular response to hCG.
Self-priming effect of luteinizing hormone-human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) upon the biphasic testicular response to exogenous hCG. I. Serum test... - PubMed - NCBI
How Long to Wait Between Cycles?:
The time honored rule is that the minimum amount of time between cycles needs to be Time On + PCT = Time Off. So if you run a 12 week cycle (including the period when you don't inject while waiting for PCT) and 4 weeks of PCT you should wait at least 16 weeks before starting another cycle. This is giving your HPTA and organs enough time to recover from your cycle.
Information on how the HPTA works:
To Aspirate or Not?
The CDC advises against aspirating for IM injections. aspiration poster 9 25 12 for iowa .pdf
Learn more about Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) and Hypgonadism (Low T):
Here is a medical text on Hypogonadism. Hypogonadism - Basic, Clinical, and Therapeutic Principles.pdf
Why Should the First Cycle be Just Testosterone?
We always recommend that a first cycle consist of just testosterone plus ancillaries (hCG, AI) and then followed by PCT. You need to learn how your body responds to Test. Once you have that experience you can add another compound when you run your next cycle. This allows you to isolate variables which will help you deal with side effect issues that arise. And trust me - running a cycle of just test will have you feeling amazing.
I would also like to encourage you to enjoy the experience. Savor testosterone during your first cycle. The amazing anabolic and androgenic effects it has. Then enjoy learning how a new compound makes you feel and seeing how your body responds to it on your second cycle. You are going to have a long beautiful relationship with AAS. Don't rush it.
Here are good links for learning more about putting together your first cycle.***********-proper-nutrition-3j.html
Gynecomastia (aka Gyno):
Why Donate Blood when Cycling?
Taking exogenous testosterone increases your hematocrit. If it gets to high you can experience Polycythemia which is not good for you. The analogy is that it turns your blood into yogurt which makes it harder for your heart to pump. See the following link for more information:
Polycythemia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You must donate blood or do a therapeutic phlebotomy while running AAS to manage hematocrit levels. Giving a pint of blood will lower your hematocrit. Make sure that this is part of your plan for a cycle.
On Cycle Supplements:
T3, Clenbuterol and Albuterol
What Are Normal Testosterone Levels in Healthy Males?
View attachment 559986
What Hormone Levels Should be Expected for given Testosterone Dosages?
Guys always want to know if their testosterone is dosed properly. Here is a study showing Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men. For those of you who just want the conclusion, 600mg per week put guys at 2,370ng/dl +/- 150ng/dl. I wish they had included Estradiol levels in the study - so please take that into consideration when evaluating these results as some of the TT may have been lost to E2 conversion.
AJPENDO : Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab
Full Study:
AJPENDO : Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab