can you bake many at once


Knows whats up
if i make lets say 3 or 4 50ml bottles of enan, can i put them all in the oven at once? for 20min at 250-275 deg....? I would think so, but it can't hurt to check....thanks
Sure, but go for 45 minutes@275F minimum. Check pullingbigs sticky on sterilization. It's working great for me.
alright cool... ALSO, when you get the powders, can you put them on a scale to weigh them out without them melting? (not including EQ of course). what do you do with EQ, just take the sources word for it? i mean, if it came in a vial you could put an identical vial on the scale, tare it and then weigh the contents, but....
For powders I have a little tray that I tare and use. For EQ, I would take your mixing vial and tare it, then pour your EQ in slowly.
60minutes minimum after oven perheats. 275f. after the hour turn oven off and let cool before removing vials.

next time make 150ml in one vial and itl be easier. is for me anyway.
ok, cool... 60min at 275f... whatever you say bro... do you have any tips on making everything completely pain free... or just filter it all good and bake like you said.... what % BA or BB or combination do you recomend?
For Test E, EQ, and Deca, I hear that BA and BB are not needed. In one of these posts PB explains it all. They are suppose to be soluble in oil.

From what I hear they are pretty painless in normal concentrations, but once you get up into the 400+mg range they could start to get a little stingy

Hope this helps,