Can you gain muscle mass on a cutting cycle?


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6'0" 215lb; Lets say I cut on 2500 calories and do shit tons of cardio everyday but take in at least 250g of protein can I gain muscle mass on this cycle while concurrently burning fat? 500mg Testp/week and 20mg/winstrol per day
honestly its realy hard to say . muscle seems to be made in the ideal condition of high calories . while burning fat and being in caloric deficits , its very hard . id say unless u are using quite a bit of stuff . hgh , slin etc,. but that's just an opinion . in the end I don't know if u can get a real definite answer
6'0" 215lb; Lets say I cut on 2500 calories and do shit tons of cardio everyday but take in at least 250g of protein can I gain muscle mass on this cycle while concurrently burning fat? 500mg Testp/week and 20mg/winstrol per day

With just those substances in the mix, at that caloric intake + "shit tons of cardio" you're not likely going to add any significant amount of muscle regardless of your training

I find you'll look bigger, leaner though even if the scale has a smaller number.

Compare post-gyno surgery SP (kinda bloofy, couldn't train as intense as I'm used to etc...) to a shot where I'm leaner...guess what the weights were in the two pictures...

This was about a month post-op (back in june) imgur: the simple image sharer

This was about a month ago (early oct) imgur: the simple image sharer
isn't that essentially what a recomp is? it isnt.
Recomps involve cycling dietary calories & macros as well as utilizing different training & chemical protocols.
Higher calories, higher protein, higher cardio as the OP suggested is not even close to being a recomp - good way to waste a bunch of time on a treadmill though :)

Here is a simplified list of what influences your body to build muscle or burn fat, in order of influencing power:
1- Diet
2- Chemical compounds
3 - Resistance training
4 - Cardio

So caloric surplus vs cardio = caloric surplus wins....always.

I should add that if you REALLY want to do a recomp, I recommend hiring a coach like 3J.
90% of people who attempt to do it by themselves completely fuck it up - gain too much fat, limit muscle gains, stay the same, etc.
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Snowpatrol, how was the gyno surgery? Did you do one or both? How much? I keep putting it off but I will need to do it soon. it isnt.
Recomps involve cycling dietary calories & macros as well as utilizing different training & chemical protocols.
Higher calories, higher protein, higher cardio as the OP suggested is not even close to being a recomp - good way to waste a bunch of time on a treadmill though :)

Here is a simplified list of what influences your body to build muscle or burn fat, in order of influencing power:
1- Diet
2- Chemical compounds
3 - Resistance training
4 - Cardio

So caloric surplus vs cardio = caloric surplus wins....always.

I should add that if you REALLY want to do a recomp, I recommend hiring a coach like 3J.
90% of people who attempt to do it by themselves completely fuck it up - gain too much fat, limit muscle gains, stay the same, etc.

its nice to have someone else around who knows what he is talking about and can handle threads like this.. lol..

Probably feel more pumped with less blood in the tummy from less foods and that blood will go over to the muscles feeling very pumped.But Growth ? Not with no food.
Snowpatrol, how was the gyno surgery? Did you do one or both? How much? I keep putting it off but I will need to do it soon.

I don't want to derail the OP too much; but it was both glands removed. Back in the gym less than a week lower body, full recovery in 3-4 weeks. Gyno was pubertal so AHS covered it.
Gaining muscle while simultaneously losing fat is doable. With that said I might add that the less trained you are and the higher % bf you have, the easier a recomp will be.

Likewise the leaner you get and say you've been training seriously for several years, it may become damned near impossible. AAS can limit the muscle you lose to a degree while cutting body fat, but adding muscle while losing bf for the trained bodybuilder is very difficult and diet dependent
It's possible but very rare. If you are a beginner, your chances of "body recomposition" are much higher. It is entirely possible but it's more difficult to achieve than a straight cut/bulk. Recomping takes much longer and takes more effort/knowledge of nutrition/training to get right. It's most common with beginners on a deficit.
Wait a minute, so if you "cant" gain any muscle mass while on a cutting cycle then wtf is the point in even taking aas during a cut? Just to maintain muscle mass? lol
Are there any steroids that possess intrinsic fat burning properties or is clenbuterol the only substance that does that?
Not probably going to be something you want to hear, BUT diet will play more of a role in losing fat then ANY compound you can inject, swallow, snort, inhale, etc.