Canadian lab Blood test! Review


New member
Hello fellow memebers,

I have been doing 100mg/day of test prop with 6.5mg of aromasin everyday.

I just wanted to share my blood work and see what you guys think.

Testosterone: 52. ( 7.6-31.40) nmol/L

Prolactin: 13. ( <=17.99). Ug/L

Estradiol: 169. ( <233.99). pmol/L

Free test: 1708 ( 196- 636). pmol/L

These tests were done in Canada so maybe the values could be different.

I was wondering if my test is underdosed? Shouldn't my free test will be higher at 700mg of test prop a week?

Thank you

Yah it's underdosed.... Your taking 700mg a week... I was taking 500mg a week and my "Canadian" level was at 145....

Side note, most people on here are from the US, so just multiply the Canadian number by 28.8 and you'll get more responses
Nothern pharma

I used Northern Pharma Primobolan by itself (i didnt know any better at the time) and got bloodwork, that showed my T was elevated, which means it was low dose T posing as primo.

If you can get Newport, I would go that route.