Cannonball Shoulders


New member
Hi all,

just wondering if there are people on here who have a routine they'd like to share that they felt gave their shoulders a real kick along. I've put together a good base but I really want to lift mine to the next level. I've set aside Tuesday of each week to train just my shoulders so I'm ready to go all out.

Thanks all!
Military Press ( My personal favorite ), Upright Rows thats basically all I do for shoulders right now, but im powerliftin
Shoulder press, single standing side laterals, bent over laterals and shrugs ought to do the trick.:)
Once in a while, I'll switch it up and use the cables instead of the dumbbells.
2-3 sets of lateral raises up to 6 reps per set
1-2 sets of db hang clean and presses 3 reps

That `s it................
My shoulders hurt so bad after a workout, i try to playa lil b-ball for cardio and man, i hate shoulders, that is until they get back in shape and people say..."Wow" I stick to military pressess, shoulder pressess on smith machine, and side lat raises
b fold the truth said:
I've done standing overheads with a straight bar for the past couple of years...and my shoulders have grown like a weed.

B True

My thoughts exactly, the more weight the more muscle you'll build.

Side laterals and bent over laterals are more for definition than mass.
I really need to set aside a day in my split do just shoulders. All I do now is four sets of military press on back day, as I only have time to get into the gym 3x a week. I mostly rely on the indirect shoulder work from benching and deadlifting.
Actually the shoulder are very strong muscles. I work them out alone also. I do a press and then a fly.

Neck presses 4x6/8.................................lateral raises 3 x10

Militar Press 4 6/8....................................front raises 3x10

posterior delt with the cables 4x6/8..........posterior flies 3x10

And then my traps 3/4x 10
I start with side laterals, they are actually the biggest head but bodybuilders work on them less than the front. Then I do rears, and then usually smith press for my pressing movements. Standing presses bug my back a bit and I'm limited in weight.

For the rear I usually use a pec dec machine, or sometimes bent over freeweight, depending how I feel.