Can't sleep


Figure Girl
Throughout the research I've done, I haven't read much about losing sleep while on HGH. I recall reading about a woman who seemed to sleep better when she took it before bed...however, with all the research i've done on it, I find it better to take it right when I wake up. But, it seems like since i've been taking HGH, I don't sleep as well. It could just be the dieting, but I was wondering if there was any correlation between sleep loss and HGH?
Yea its probably something else or in your head, but first ow much are you taking? All I know is I took over 4ius and that was split twice a day 5 days on 2 off and I was sleeping like a baby! Had to take a 15-30 minutes map in the car before workout!@
When it comes to sleep problems try a small bit of weed just befor you get into bed.I`m not talking about getting stoned off your head,just a little something to help you relax.Always works for me.