Just to refresh
TDEE-3150 using 1.8
Im getting tired of the same stuff again. Dont want to do keto right now. Was thinking of carb cycling, Since ive never done it Id like some thoughts.
Good idea? bad idea? If you like it i need some help with what my macros should look like. Ive read quite a bit and there appear to be 2 schools of thought.
1. heavy carb days should mirror the days your trying to improve a particular muscle group.
2. just pick 2 days to go heavy carbs, 2 moderate carb and 3 low carb days and stick to it.
What are your thoughts?
id like to do a clean bulk right now.
Also,would need some help with food choices, like now i pretty much try to avoid fruits (unless its pwo) but in carb cycling it sounds like thats ok?
right now im running a 40-40-20
Just to refresh
TDEE-3150 using 1.8
Im getting tired of the same stuff again. Dont want to do keto right now. Was thinking of carb cycling, Since ive never done it Id like some thoughts.
Good idea? bad idea? If you like it i need some help with what my macros should look like. Ive read quite a bit and there appear to be 2 schools of thought.
1. heavy carb days should mirror the days your trying to improve a particular muscle group.
2. just pick 2 days to go heavy carbs, 2 moderate carb and 3 low carb days and stick to it.
What are your thoughts?
id like to do a clean bulk right now.
Also,would need some help with food choices, like now i pretty much try to avoid fruits (unless its pwo) but in carb cycling it sounds like thats ok?
right now im running a 40-40-20