Carbs after workout

easy flo

New member
I do my workout in the evening aboute 7 30 or 8 00 pm should i still be having carbs with my next meal as it is my last meal of the day and carbs arnt good in the later part of the day.
It depends on your stats, goals, the
rest of your diet, and what kind of exercise
you are doing.

I don't think a training session is complete
till I have my post workout meal.
(which includes carbs every time)
I'm not the moderator, nor a broscientist, but I read allot, and carbs are no good past 6pm

I would love to read anything that backs this statement up.

Try and get all yours carbs pre and post work out.

Look up Alan Aragon or Lyle Mcdonald to get the juice on nutrition.

IMO the no carbs after 6 pm ideology has no research behind it.

Always eat a protein carb meal after working out.

Good luck!
I would love to read anything that backs this statement up.

Try and get all yours carbs pre and post work out.

Look up Alan Aragon or Lyle Mcdonald to get the juice on nutrition.

IMO the no carbs after 6 pm ideology has no research behind it.

Always eat a protein carb meal after working out.

Good luck!

I eat carbs in the evening because its PWO otherwise I would not eat carbs for my last meal, I dont see why you would need carbs in the evening if you workout in the am or early afternoon, 3J will tell you most carbs should be consumed first 4 meals of the day unless its PWO. As far as research goes I dunno but I know most dieticians will tell you not to eat crbs in the evening or keep them to a minimum, regardless of your goals, bulk, cut or weightloss, All meals I take in are to fuel my body and my body doesnt need carbs for fuel at 9 pm when I'm laying down. I'm no expert but this is how I understand it to work
Eating carbohydrates at night is perfectly fine.

If one exceeds their caloric maintaence level, more than likely, the individual will gain weight. If one creates an energy deficit, preferably through cardiovascular activity/restriction of calories/weight training sessions, the individual will more than likely lose weight.

It all depends on one's overall calorie total that determines body composition, not the time carbohydrates were eaten. Carbohydrates have many anti-catabolic properties and should not be eliminated at any time of day. They can be very beneficial at night, bulking or cutting.

No need to restrict carbs at night. Stay away from high GI carbs at night. Total daily calories is more important.