carbs on cycle??


New member
alright i know everyone says you got to keep your caloric intake up while on cycle as well as protein, my question is how many carbs should i consume while im on a bulking cycle. I dont want to gain too much fat and im not worrying about cardio right now. as long as i keep my calories and protein up i should grow right? i know i have to eat some carbs to keep my intensity up, i usually feel like shit when i go on low carb diets. I'll be eating well while on my cycle just want to know some of your opinions and experiences, i know everyone prob' reacts a lil' differently on certain diets..but i just want to know if i consuming monster amounts of carbs is necessary.
- Figuere out your macronutrient needs per day based on LBM!
- When you have your maintenance intake figuered out I always advise people to start by upping the cals to 500cals above maintenance and then slowly up them according to your needs re-evaluating every few days!
- Based on gains/progression/effects just experiment and see what works best for you! As you said everyone is different and so is everyones goals! Do not just start of at 1000cals above maintenance however, keep a meticulous journal and keep and eye on the mirror and based on these you should know what works best for you in no time.
Good luck to you bro and I hope this helps!
jhov said:
- Figuere out your macronutrient needs per day based on LBM!
- When you have your maintenance intake figuered out I always advise people to start by upping the cals to 500cals above maintenance and then slowly up them according to your needs re-evaluating every few days!
- Based on gains/progression/effects just experiment and see what works best for you! As you said everyone is different and so is everyones goals! Do not just start of at 1000cals above maintenance however, keep a meticulous journal and keep and eye on the mirror and based on these you should know what works best for you in no time.
Good luck to you bro and I hope this helps!

Thats an excellent advise, I totally agree...