carbs on lean mass cycle


New member
im planning on starting a test only cycle for 12 weeks which will be my first. I gain fat very easily and i needed a little help with my diet. I was planing on having like 4-5 whey shakes in water a day with 2-3 scoops each meaning around 45-70 grms of protein in each. 1 or 2 of these shakes will have flax seed oil in them and then the rest of my fat will come from the meat that i eat bison and chicken turkey and some steak and if i dont use flax fish oil. I wanna hit aorund 350-400 grams of protein a day. IM looking to gain as much lean muscle as possible but i want t stay lean and maybe even loose a little bf. So working out and training real hard will come first but i will also be doing cardio like 2-3 times a week, which will be some bike riding around the neighborhood with my freinds. I dont know how many carbs i should shoot for and what times to eat them.

i will also be having one scoop of dextrose for each scoop of whey post work out.
I think it will be very difficult for you to stay on a diet that has that many whey shakes. You should try to ingest more whole foods of lean protein sources
Im no diet expert but I would also suggest adding in some more lean foods and dropping so many shakes. Maybe 3 shakes max a day is what I would recommend. Rotate your carbs also... something like 125,100,50 and then on the fourth day carb up a bit and see how that works. Also on the postwork out shake shoot for 40-50g protein and 80g of dextrose. Not sure on your stats but you may want to do some low impact cardio 4-5 days a week.
Good luck.hope I could help a bit
yeah thanks for the help. Are you sure i should go that low on the carbs if im trying to gain mass but stay lean and maybe loose a little bf.

i plan on eating more whole foods but if i dont i will be having shakes to make sure i get the protein in.
I would definately drop all those shakes. 2 a day is enough.

I think the best thing to do is start really low on the carbs a day see how u feel and add or take away carbs as u see fit.
I usually do 50 a day carbs when trying to rip up quick then start adding some in to the point where i could see myself getting a little bloaded.
I also just choose one day a week to carb up.
well i dont wanna cut i just wanna maybe drop a little body fat but i wanna gain some nice mass also. so i was just wondering what would be slight less than a moderate amount of carbs.