Career choices need help please

I was a NC trooper don't have to have a degree but it makes it easier to get accepted to the school and everybody makes the same money started at 34000
Yea they told us in one state troopers made well over 150000 I was like wtf but its not worth it man so many reasons I quit
So Onk what kind of trading and dealing do u do

fixed interest securities.

i.e. FRNs, fixed rate bonds, corporate paper, NCDs, Sub-debt, RMBS (rarely, no secondary market here) and hybrids (new equity/debt instruments banks use to meet tier 1 capital ratios)
I love economics and find it all interesting.

AUstralia's FI market is easily 3x the size of the equity market but since it's all OCT, meaning there's no exchange - it's peer 2 peer - it's a game of who you know and where knowledge is power.