Carverelli's cruise/cut cycle... Trt test, primo enth, S4 sarms

Bp is finally down after more than a week. Gonna add the primo back in and see what happens. I think it was the S4 causing it to spike. Getting bloodwork done next wee and I'll go from there.

On a good note, weight has been steadily decreasing. @ 233 this morning . Workouts have been spotty.... jonsin to get a sweat and nice pump tomorrow.
Finally made it back to the gym this afternoon for shoulder work. It might just be me but after dropping deca the last 5 weeks to 250 mg it seems like it takes severL warmup sets to get the kinks out.

Started with hammer strength shoulders presses.
70 lbs ES warmup 2 sets
105 lbs ES 3'sets

Cable upright rows supersetted with cable face pulls( double handle )
25 dropped to 20 lb dumbell side lateral raises

Dumbell presses
70 lb 3'sets x 12,10,7 reps

Weight was 233 lbs late morning after I woke up. Felt great to get a pump today. It wasn't the painful delt pump I get when running lots of gear but strength was good. Definately see bf coming down. Hopefully my bp stays in a nice range.
232 this morning. Got in for a leg workout this afternoon.

10 minute elliptical warmup

2x135x15 WU
225x10 paused reps the last 5
275x 8 felt pretty strong although my sacroiliac joint left side felt strained on the bottom of the rep

225x 10 ...always going to do squats but not like I used to - hard and heavy.

Walking lunges 70 lb barbell
3 sets taking long strides maybe 15-20 steps each leg.

Hack presses linear
3 sets 2plates ES x 12,12,10 reps. These are totally quad dominant and fairly knee friendly love them.

Abductor machine 3 sets to failure.
Weight steady at 234. Terrible week gym wise. Got some back and biceps work in today.

Wide grip Pulldowns( I start heavy for 10-12 reps then pull the pin to about 60% of that weight) then go right into partials mainly that last half rep until I can't do Any more then get as many as I can full reps. 3 sets

HS low row 2 plates ES for 3 sets last 2 sets I pump out singles until I'm spent.

Incline dumbells curls 3 sets 40 lbs to failure
Dumbell pullovers 80 lb WU then 3 sets w/ 100 lbs
Rope pulley hammer curls 3 sets then straight bar curls 2 sets added straight bar triceps pushdowns for shits n grins

Great pump...just the right amount. Left feeling pumped and spent

Bp before gym was 120/80.... loving that. Was going to do bloodwork but since bp is under control I'll wait a few more weeks.
I've been fairly inconsistent as of late. Wife left to Midwest to see her family so no more sexual distractions and I made it in for some chest work today.

bar bench 2x 135x 15 WU
2x225x 13,11
1x275x 5
dumbell incline presses 1x70 x 15wu
Both flat and incline felt strong with no issues, maybe. Little rest was good
Bodyweight dips 3x19,16, 14
Scoops 3 sets
Machine chest flyes 2 sets
1 hr 15 min

I'm liking the way the primo makes me feel especially in the gym good endurance, good pump but not painful or set limiting pump. I started back on the S4 sarms at 30 mg/2x day. Bp seems to be steady but will keep an eye on it.
Weight has krept back up to 235. Had my 48th birthday with German chocolate cake and Homeade ice-cream . Hopefully I can be more consistent gym wise, and diet so I can get below 230. I'm gonna take measurements real soon

Btw, weekly doses
250 mg test cyp
200 mg mast enth
125 mg deca
600 mg primo
60 mg /day S4
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Wife left to Midwest to see her family so no more sexual distractions

My girlfriend was gone for 6weeks till this past monday. I made some serious gains. Its easier to focus on the gym and be more self centered. Although it was hard (literally) I made it though without the pussy. Take advantage of the you time bro its gunna be great.
Legs were next today but wasn't feelin it today. Did some back though.
Hammer strength ISO rows I went high and wide today

2 plates WU

3 plates x 3'sets I can yard more weight but trying to feel the back work and squeezing the shoulder blades together.

HS high row 2 plates 2 sets

Preacher curls 2 sets wide 2 sets narrow 50 lb plus bar

Rope pulley hammer curls 2 sets to failure.
1 hr abbreviated workout -tomorrow legs and dentist apt and nap
Weight this morning was 235
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Didn't get in on Saturday. Had a broken tooth to fix at the dentist then took a nap.
Today I got a decent leg workout in though.

10 minute elliptical warmup

1x225x12 I did the first 5 methodically down, up, pause then 4 down, pause, up then 2 more down ,up

1x275x 5 ...started having low back sciatica pain on the left side and racked it at 4 reps. Not sure what the problem is but I don't take chances with my back.

Leg press sled
4 plate ES warmup
5 plates x 15 reps last 5 were pause reps at the bottom
6 plates x 2 sets x 13,11 reps
Quads were on fire at this point

Linear hack press (HS) love this machine since I first tried it out 5 months ago. Like a hack squat but much much easier on the knees. I feel it's already helping seperate my lower quads.

1 plate ES warmup
70 lb ES. X 3 sets ( seems like it was 15,14,12 reps not quite sure but close to that.

I finished with 2'sets lying leg curls to failure the. But the steam room.

Dinner was 12oz New York steak sauted mushrooms and a nuked yellow potato with cottAge cheese.

Shaky legs on the way out of gym.. So far I'm liking the results I'm getting from this cycle. Dropping a little bodyfat while maintaining my muscle.
I made it in for some shoulders today. Feeling rested from the hard week of work and overall pretty good energy and feeling of wellness. Like others have mentioned, tren makes me feel like shit. Glad to be off that stuff. Personally, I don't feel that compound gives me anymore than deca and test.
Upright rows(smith machine)
70 lb WU
90 lb x 3'sets of 15,14,12.

Dumbell presses
65 lb WU x 15 reps
75lb x 3 sets x 15,13,11 reps -'these felt strong and solid. Right side keeping up with left

Cable face pulls
3 sets to failure then 5 cheating reps

Dumbell lateral raises
25 lb x 3 sets to failure the 3 or 4 forced cheating reps, deltoids on fire by now.

Added some straight leg calf raises 3 drop sets to failure.
1 hour and I'm out...
Like I mentioned earlier, my overall feeling is pretty good. Getting good rest, not too sluggish, and seemingly pretty alert. Blood pressure has been steady around 120/75 so I'm pretty stoked about that. S4 is steady at 60 mg/day with little issues now.
Struggling to get under 230 still but haven't through in the towel yet
Got in a chest/ tricep day in on Saturday.

Flat bb Bench

2x225x 12,11

Guillotine presses smith machine
1x90x15 WU
110x 15

140x 12x3 sets

Incline dumbell presses
75's x 13,12,11 reps

Now to finish with tricep work
Rope extensions press downs supersetted with overhead rope ext. to hit the long head
2 sets of bodyweight dips to failure .... something like 15,13 reps I think

3 sets skull crushers on incline bench w/ 90lb cambered bar
I hesitate to do these because they seem to aggravate my old elbows, but they make my tris POP!

Today I have aching elbows ...surprise , so next time I'll leave these out until elbows are painfree