Case for HGH use at a young age


New member
From my own research, HGH will help people reach full genetic potential, if taken young enough. Young teens and children are prescribed HGH when they're abnormally short.

I, along with many other people, believe that shoulder width and height are equally important in terms of physical attraction. Clavicle bone doesn't stop growing until 25.

For height, HGH should be taken before puberty. For width, from my research, before the age of 22.

There is very little evidence that HGH is harmful, so long as it's not abused (like anything.)

So the question resides, why not take HGH at a young age (pre-22) to reach full genetic potential? If you've already passed the threshold for genetic changes, would you consider giving HGH to your offspring?

If you disagree with any of my research, let it be known.
too pricey . kids are expensive enough without having to put them on a $1000 a month HGH protocol on top of it lol . I'm guessing you don't have kids op
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too pricey . kids are expensive enough without having to put them on a $1000 a month HGH protocol on top of it lol . I'm guessing you don't have kids op

That's no joke!!! Have a hard enough time keeping the cupboards, & freezer full as it is!!
Who thinks this stuff up?