Cattle Pellets


New member
What's up every body. I was wondering if you guys new about the pellets used in the FINA kits to make tren. I heard the word around the camp fire is that they are becoming a high comdity and that they are not easy to get either. Here is a cool how to website I found for all you guys out there who may have Q's on how to do the set up...kinda like me:D Well I would appreciate any feed back you guys got dealing with this issue. Also, one other quick question. Can you make any other type of AS by doing this "Do-It-Yourself" program?? If so what can you make and what results have you had as a result or heard of. Thanks guys.

Actually they are fairly easy to get, and I would say 90% of people on these boards have heard of them. Synovex H is Test Propionate with estrodial, and depending on the kit you either theoretically get Test propionate, or Test No ester.
there is alot of info out there. Its not that hard to make the pellet in to an injection for your cow. but be careful my bulls get really pissed when i try and stick a 3in pin in them.

I thought to the best of my knowledge that was coming under some heat because there was personal info possibly compramised by some of the persons who bought the kits. I actually read this on this forum! Also Rick Collins wrote something on the legal aspects as well. Aside from finakits, are there any other kits out there that sell the kits as well as the pellets?? In other words what other sources produce/distribute the "whole" package, pellets and all that is not under such negative claims...especially by those who do business with them? I am not saying that I will not do business with them, but as they say misery loves company and I ain't trying to be part of that company.
Edhead said:
I thought to the best of my knowledge that was coming under some heat because there was personal info possibly compramised by some of the persons who bought the kits. I actually read this on this forum! Also Rick Collins wrote something on the legal aspects as well. Aside from finakits, are there any other kits out there that sell the kits as well as the pellets?? In other words what other sources produce/distribute the "whole" package, pellets and all that is not under such negative claims...especially by those who do business with them? I am not saying that I will not do business with them, but as they say misery loves company and I ain't trying to be part of that company.

i highly doubt ANY company would seel kits and carts together as a package. thats basically saying "Hey, im gonna convert this tren."
So I am assuming that there is some place to purchase the pellets then purchase the kit from another source. The kits seem to be a dime a dozen on the enternet. But I really can't seem to find the specifics for the pellets, in regards to purchasing them. If I can find out where or how to locate, then buy them I can do the rest from there. It's just all important last step taht seem to be the hardest to do or in this case locate. If you got info on the buying of these pellets pass it my way. I appreciate your help.
I always thought that if WE WERE to do steroids (but no one here does, its an INFORMATIONAL board) we would never post source info even if it was a OTC veterinary product.

Just a thought!

blocRoc said:
I always thought that if WE WERE to do steroids (but no one here does, its an INFORMATIONAL board) we would never post source info even if it was a OTC veterinary product.

Just a thought!


I agree. That is, if any of us ever did gear. Which we don't!