cheap eating


New member
i need a cheap eating routine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner im trying to cutt 5%bf any suggestions would be great..
and even some supp info on cutting.

age 25
15-16% bf
Bro I have found that the Neccesity food is WAY cheaper when you buy at SAMs.
I save ALOT more money that way. shit gets expensive at Walmart.

my usual list at sams
chicken, eggs,steaks, fish, nuts, brown rice, milk,cereal,oats
bread,olive oil, and greens.
Chicken breast, Eggs, Oatmeal, cheapest healthiest food you can buy.
Also some of the most bland foods you can buy, which is probably why it's so cheap lol.
Haha I consider myself a master at bulking cheap, it's pretty bland but works. As these guys have said .. Chicken, ground beef, eggs, milk and most carbs are usually cheap.. I also buy these 450g packages of lentils for $1.78 that have about 1200 cals/120 protein in 1 package, add a can of tuna and you got a solid cheap meal.
I spend 140.00 a week on whole foods. I eat 6 times a day 7 days a week. I'm eating chicken, turkey, fish, beef and veggies and carbo's.
So, $140.00 divided by 7 days in a week= $20.00 a day now divide $20.00 a day by 6 meals= $3.33 each meal.
I dont know how much cheaper it can get then this?
same as about...all whole foods...costco or sams for most of it but I buy my steak from a local butcher unfortunately that bumps me to about 200 a week...If I go lean ground beef for dinner I come in right where JM750 does
Costco for the win in this category. Hands down best price for bulk meats, egg whites, oats and greens. Can't beat it!
i look for sales on eggs.. if i can find them @ $1.50/ dozen or less i stock up. i am currently eating 1-2 whole eggs and 5 egg whites for breakfast along with 1-2 slices of ezekiel bread with a table spoon of jelly. about a 1-2 dollars for breakfast.
^^ Alot like my current breakfast! Have yet to find the ezekiel bread though, eating WW instead. Love egggsss:yesway:
Similar to most other guys...chicken, fish, eggs, rice, oatmeal, nuts, and fruits. I just picked up a 15lb bag of brown rice for $10 last week at some Asian market!!! Buying stuff in bulk is MUCH cheaper.
@Zephyr 987 You ever try P-28? It'/s a bread I use that has 28 grams of protein. A bit pricey, but 28 extra grams with all our meals we eat each day isn't bad. I just came off a 6,000-7,000 calorie diet. I buy it from a store called Wegmens. Not sure if you have it by you.
@Zephyr 987 You ever try P-28? It'/s a bread I use that has 28 grams of protein. A bit pricey, but 28 extra grams with all our meals we eat each day isn't bad. I just came off a 6,000-7,000 calorie diet. I buy it from a store called Wegmens. Not sure if you have it by you.

Any idea how many carbs per serving there are?
@Zephyr 987 You ever try P-28? It'/s a bread I use that has 28 grams of protein. A bit pricey, but 28 extra grams with all our meals we eat each day isn't bad. I just came off a 6,000-7,000 calorie diet. I buy it from a store called Wegmens. Not sure if you have it by you.

wow 28 grams of protein per serving of bread is awesome! considering you pretty much have to use an entire pack of ham to get enough protein if you plan on eating a sandwich for a meal... no wegmans around my area.. luckily i get the ezekiel bread for free since i help my pops with his homeless aid ministry at his church.. they network with a few organic markets that give away food thats close to expiration, and since the ezekiel bread goes bad so quickly if not refridgerated, they have to stick to white bread, so i get to take a few loafs , otherwise i wouldnt buy it since they r so damn expensive. i will look for p-28, that sounds too good to pass up bro. thanks for the heads up!
I am out of P-28 but it comes in Wraps, loaf of bread, and even bagels! its awesome! Pricey though, I pay $5.99 a loaf. In my house before cycling no bread exist, and I love bread. But I buy this stuff and only have it in the mornings sometimes in the afternoons. Heck you can't go wrong with 28grams of protein to add to our 7,000 calorie diets. LOL
@hafwit here you go bro

100% Whole Wheat High Protein Bread (P28)
Serving Size: 1 slice, Calories: 130, Fat: 3.5g, Carbs: 12g, Protein: 14g

High Protein Bagel (P28)
Serving Size: 1 Bagel (94g), Calories: 260, Fat: 7g, Carbs: 25g, Protein: 28g

P28 High Protein Bread (Nutribread)
Serving Size: 1 slice, Calories: 130, Fat: 3.5g, Carbs: 12g, Protein: 14g

Flat Bread (P28)
Serving Size: 1 Flatbread, Calories: 260, Fat: 7g, Carbs: 27g, Protein: 28