Cheat Day?....


New member
Just wondering what people's opinions of having a cheat day were? I got this from "The Four Hour Body"

Saturdays as your Dieters Gone Wild (DGW) day. I am allowed to eat whatever I want on Saturdays, and I go out of my way to eat ice cream, Snickers, Take 5, and all of my other vices in excess. If I drank beer, I’d have a few pints of Paulaner Hefe-Weizen. I make myself a little sick each Saturday and don’t want to look at any junk for the rest of the week.

Paradoxically, dramatically spiking caloric intake in this way once per week increases fatloss by ensuring that your metabolic rate (thyroid function and conversion of T4 to T3, etc.) doesn’t downshift from extended caloric restriction.

That’s right: eating pure crap can help you lose fat. Welcome to Utopia. There are no limits or boundaries during this day of gluttonous enjoyment. There is absolutely no calorie counting on this diet, on this day or any other.

Just wondering what people thought? i.e. do I introduce a cheat day now? Personally my diet has been incredibly clean for around 8 months now, I've lost all urges to eat any crap (pizza, sweets, etc.)

I think its an awesoem way to help tay focused during the week. If you can just last till saturday you can ea what you want...but its also cheat day, not anialation day (spelling :p ) you still have to be careful.What you eat can makeyou sluggish and lazy ruining your next day and starting a bad habbit for the week.
Cheat days are the key to growth IMO, and can help burn fat. But this guy is an idiot because he makes it sound like eating anything will be OK.

If you're gonna cheat expecting it to spark growth and maybe burning some fat, you need to make sure you eat good kcals, not ice cream and potato chips. Now, if you'regetting those good calories and wanna add in the extra junk, thats ok IMO. But you can't just eat garbage. That will do nothing but cause major insulin spikes thus shuttling all that crap to the body.
I used to eat absolutely the worst shit on my cheat day. Now, I dial it back a little bit. My cheat day consists of a couple of pieces of fried chicken, my favorite high calorie mocha in the morning, maybe pizza. No soda, candy, chips or ice cream. I just got tired of the way they made me feel the next day.
I personally hate cheat days and feel guilty when I do it (which is usually late, late, late in the morning when I'm sleep walking and searching for candy/chocolate). Maybe, I have it all wrong and need to incorporate what RJ mentioned about having a cheat day but make it as healthy as possible. I guess it would give me something to look forward to.

However, what do you guys think the set back is in gains for having a cheat day VS. not having a cheat day???? Also, during a bulking cycle VS a Shred???

I'll try and look for some info and post later...I like the topic though.
I personally hate cheat days and feel guilty when I do it (which is usually late, late, late in the morning when I'm sleep walking and searching for candy/chocolate). Maybe, I have it all wrong and need to incorporate what RJ mentioned about having a cheat day but make it as healthy as possible. I guess it would give me something to look forward to.

However, what do you guys think the set back is in gains for having a cheat day VS. not having a cheat day???? Also, during a bulking cycle VS a Shred???

I'll try and look for some info and post later...I like the topic though.

well, first of all, i don't do cheat days. I do cheat meals. The key is with this is not only to get in good kcals, but to also get in all your other meals.

Cheat days aren't good unless you are just trying to put on major amounts of mass (i hate the term bulking), but even then, I believe it needs to be good kcals.

I don't think there is a way to put a number on it in terms of gains because it all depends on how you eat throughout your cycle, not just on those days.

But IMO, you can gain much more and still burn fat while adding cheat days as opposed to eating clean as fuck. Plus it makes it much easier.
I like a cheat day once a week, it's not that I'm eating junk all day long...

I don't eat candy, pop,deepfried, and chips and all that crap..just for example..burgers,tacos,pizza, and shit like this I will eat..I don't gorge on it though.

I might give up the whole cheat day idea, and try what Rj say's and add some cheat meals during the week.
I feel like absolute shit after my cheat meals. Not physically, I just feel like i let myself down.

I had pancakes with butter and syrup, egg white omelet and bacon this morning then felt like I had to do an extra cardio session because of it.

I gotta get past the mental part of it.

Ended up doing my empty stomach cardio this morning then went back to the gym after breakfast and did the stairmaster for 45 minutes after shoulders today.

One of these days im gonna just eat big and enjoy it.
I feel like absolute shit after my cheat meals. Not physically, I just feel like i let myself down.

I had pancakes with butter and syrup, egg white omelet and bacon this morning then felt like I had to do an extra cardio session because of it.

I gotta get past the mental part of it.

Ended up doing my empty stomach cardio this morning then went back to the gym after breakfast and did the stairmaster for 45 minutes after shoulders today.

One of these days im gonna just eat big and enjoy it.

I used to think like this too, but at the end of the day..I'm not trying to compete or model.Also I don't gain fat that easy so maybe it's easier for me to think that way!?
I feel like absolute shit after my cheat meals. Not physically, I just feel like i let myself down.

I had pancakes with butter and syrup, egg white omelet and bacon this morning then felt like I had to do an extra cardio session because of it.

I gotta get past the mental part of it.

Ended up doing my empty stomach cardio this morning then went back to the gym after breakfast and did the stairmaster for 45 minutes after shoulders today.

One of these days im gonna just eat big and enjoy it.

Welter... are you sure you don't have a vagina?

Dude, you got serious cardio OCD. lol
I used to think like this too, but at the end of the day..I'm not trying to compete or model.Also I don't gain fat that easy so maybe it's easier for me to think that way!?

he'd actually have an easier time burning fat if he threw in more cheat meals IMO. They are great for getting the meto working. That's why I stopped my Big Sundays. It was just too much. You gotta do it to trick the body into thinking it needs to kick the meto into overdrive. Thats the whole point of cheat meals.

When i used to do Big Sundays, i would sweat like a pig at every meal. That made the wife reallllly happy at a restaurant. :rolleyes:
Welter... are you sure you don't have a vagina?

Dude, you got serious cardio OCD. lol

Haha yea I'm a lil outta control with my cardio. I honestly think it is from previously being so heavy. When you go from 40-50% BF to single digits it fucks with your head when it comes to eating.
he'd actually have an easier time burning fat if he threw in more cheat meals IMO. They are great for getting the meto working.

don't get me wrong, I still have my 5000-6000 kCal days. I just get a little out of control with the cardio for the next 2 or 3 days afterwards.
don't get me wrong, I still have my 5000-6000 kCal days. I just get a little out of control with the cardio for the next 2 or 3 days afterwards.

i can't imagine the change from 40% BF to single digits. Thats awesome.

But I would love to see you ease off the cardio a bit, and add a few cheat meals, not days, but meals a week and see what happens.

If all is good you should still be able to stay lean and maybe get some growth out of it without having to kill the cardio so much.

I'm not saying stop cardio, but maybe try 4 days a week with a cheat meal e3D. Just to see what happens.

Remember, the key is to make sure you get all your other meals in like normal. You start skipping em thats when you start gaining fat as the meto will slow.
This is some grade a ad vice rj.... iv told welt he needs to chill on the cardio cuz hes trying to gain mass ican understand his hesitation. I was high in bf once myself.
Well cheat day didn't work for me...

Today I feel absolutely terrible from the crap I ate yesterday. It's 8am and I'm still bloated from yesterday. I'm just waiting to take a dump (it's going to be huge!) then I'm off to the gym!

I'll stick to RJ's advice and go for a cheat meal maybe twice a week or something. I never want to feel like this again...
