Cheat day?


New member
I have a cheat day once a week. Usually my cheat day consists of high carbs. I am extremely carb sensitive so I have about 80g carbs Mon-Sat and on sunday or saturday ill prob have about 400g carbs.

My question is, am I screwing msyself over by eating this much in one day? or am I restarting my metabolism and increasing fat loss?
If you're trying to lose weight, I definitely feel like carb days are beneficial. I've used carb-cycling diets in the past and have been extremely successful. They're good for mental health as well as kicking the body out of starvation mode and increasing leptin levels and metabolism.
Wow, thats nuts. I eat 400-600 carbs per day, except weekends, I eat none.

I would think I cheat day would be benefical tho, as the poster above said.