Cheers 2 the mods!!


stop fn staring!
:)Here is a cheers for you guys!! I'd get fed up with the shit you guy's and ladies have to deal with on a daily basis! I'd give up in the first hour! You take bullshit and idiots and common sense and have to sort it out pretty much everyday! Congrats to you all! Takes some knowlege and lots of patience to do that job! So cheers to you all, and keep up the good work! This site is fn great for gaining knowledge. Ever since I first signed up, I've been gaing knowledge and learning things and meeting friends aswell! Peace and I hope some others will say some good things aswell!...........go canada go!
By the way I got a bad rep for this! Thanks asshole! Next time show ur name and bring ur friends!
Cheers to the members. They support the site, our awesome sponsors, and make it what it really is. We just clear some spam and ban some douchebags!
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yea the mods here are well educated.. much appreciated... i can say this cuz iv only just be promoted... its nice to be at a site where the mods are understanding, patient, and willing to help
yep good mods.

i knew some of them before they were mods, i knew this forum with others mods, i see some mods missing ( life is life ).

no other board is alive as this one.

i remember of convo, with regular memebers as capitainawesome or gumbo, etc...

But each of us can make mistake they it seems they are gone...

i leaned more here in 2 years with methode, read post from macro, Scnto, Eke70, and some others, than i learned in my whole life, i mean in AAS, and i got so mush fun.

guyz from the other side of the world heard about me... Because of my regular presence in steroidology.

i've seen all the subject treated in this board. racism, religion, politics, ethnocenterisme, story, science, geography... throught the million of pots, you can find anything.

thanx Steroidology. Kane.