New member
Fellas, tomorrow is a new beginning for me. I have felt like complete shit for far too long. You know, the typical effects of Low T…… No energy, No sex drive, No gains in the gym, extreme moodiness (surprised my girl is still with me) and just an overall sense of feeling like shit and wanting to give up.
I have been through hell dealing with stupid ass doctors for the longest time. My primary doctor didn’t know shit. My endocrinologist didn’t know shit. Getting my Endo to help me was like asking Helen Keller to build an Atomic bomb. I knew more than my Endo (Thanks to the great years here at Ology) Maybe it was the fact my Endo said he gives lots of his patients once a month or twice a month “test injections.” Seriously?? After dealing with all these docs, there has been no overall progress for me. I still feel like shit. The only difference is that my bank account has gone down in the process.
I reached out to Chip at Maximus Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and he literally listened to me bitch like a little girl scout for about an hour. He shot me straight on everything related to what I was experiencing. And yeah, Chip is right, we talked cocks, balls, and jizz in that conversation (no homo). I got all my paperwork over to Chip.
Now I am officially starting his protocol tomorrow. I am extremely anxious and ready to feel good again. I have felt like shit for so long, it has literally become a normal way of living for me. Now, that has changed starting tomorrow. Chip has taken good care of me. Everything has been right on point with him. In fact I have 5 good buddies working with Chip and he is diligently working with them now as we speak.
I better wrap up this novel, but I just needed to post this thread because tomorrow is life changing as I am sure lots of the other bros on this forum can agree.
Yippie Ki Fucking Yay.
Cheers to a new life!!!
I have been through hell dealing with stupid ass doctors for the longest time. My primary doctor didn’t know shit. My endocrinologist didn’t know shit. Getting my Endo to help me was like asking Helen Keller to build an Atomic bomb. I knew more than my Endo (Thanks to the great years here at Ology) Maybe it was the fact my Endo said he gives lots of his patients once a month or twice a month “test injections.” Seriously?? After dealing with all these docs, there has been no overall progress for me. I still feel like shit. The only difference is that my bank account has gone down in the process.
I reached out to Chip at Maximus Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and he literally listened to me bitch like a little girl scout for about an hour. He shot me straight on everything related to what I was experiencing. And yeah, Chip is right, we talked cocks, balls, and jizz in that conversation (no homo). I got all my paperwork over to Chip.
Now I am officially starting his protocol tomorrow. I am extremely anxious and ready to feel good again. I have felt like shit for so long, it has literally become a normal way of living for me. Now, that has changed starting tomorrow. Chip has taken good care of me. Everything has been right on point with him. In fact I have 5 good buddies working with Chip and he is diligently working with them now as we speak.
I better wrap up this novel, but I just needed to post this thread because tomorrow is life changing as I am sure lots of the other bros on this forum can agree.
Yippie Ki Fucking Yay.
Cheers to a new life!!!