cheph's summer cycle. dbol, prop, ultradex, anavar

Ive never done a lat pin but always wanted to...makes sense since its such a large muscle(length wise). Did you put the needle all the way in?

It's g2g for sure. I pushed in all the way, pinned on the bias not straight in. 25g 1"
Hovering around 199-203. Abs are a little less "in-your-face" probably due to slight bloat (cheated on diet this week and drank some beer every day. Now I'm back at it clean again. Next week start anavar at 50mg first week then 25mg next 4-5 weeks alongside the ultradex. Should still be getting solid gains
Hovering around 199-203. Abs are a little less "in-your-face" probably due to slight bloat (cheated on diet this week and drank some beer every day. Now I'm back at it clean again. Next week start anavar at 50mg first week then 25mg next 4-5 weeks alongside the ultradex. Should still be getting solid gains

Haha right summer starts need a few beers I here that lol I paid for that last week :)
Hovering around 199-203. Abs are a little less "in-your-face" probably due to slight bloat (cheated on diet this week and drank some beer every day. Now I'm back at it clean again. Next week start anavar at 50mg first week then 25mg next 4-5 weeks alongside the ultradex. Should still be getting solid gains.

Idk if I'm consuming too much protein but I have constant shits
Been bloated last 4-5 days thought it was because the beer I drank. But today my left nipple started itching (for me as soon as estrogen gets elevated my left nipple itches), so I bumped up my liquidex to .50mg ed from .25 ed. Same thing happened on my last tren run. Will also do blods in 2 weeks. Strength still keep going up. Haven't tried maxing anything because im worried I might injure myself so I keep at around 80% of max
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Bloating is just about gone and no nipple itch, also nippls not puffy anymore. Increased adex to .5mg a day. Hovering right around 200lb that's where I want to be. Anavar arrives next week so I'll run 50mg ed. Should make me rock hard (as if I wasn't hard already). Loving tren, masteron and prop blend
Fluctuating between 200-206. Getting more vascular, swolle, stronger and Aggression is pretty up there. Makes me think my previous cycles were under dosed, this stuff is g2g !

Just started anavar Tuesday (50mg first 2 days then 25mg the other 6 weeks). Realized I would not have enough ultradex from sciroxx so I grabbed a few bottles of diablo by orion along with the anavar.

Constantly irritated at ppl, especially my wife. She's also on anavar so is a real shit storm. Will post pics soon
View attachment 558313Sorry for the hiatus had a family tragedy so been gone a bit. On another note I fuqin love anavar !! Muscles are hard and filling out quite nicely, strength had never in my life been so high. Squatting max 500lb, deadlift 400lb, bench 350. Fuuuuq #!# getting very defined and vascular and best part is I still have another 4 weeks left before pct !!

Weight is been average 203lb so 18lb increase. Sometimes 200lb sometimes 206
Workouts have never been so good before. Truly loving the anavar! Raising dose to 50mg ED next week or two so it goes out even with my injectable. Have 1 bottle of ultradex150 left and finishing cycle with Diablo blend from Orion. I know not supposed to mix brands but my other source gave me a hard time so I went with orion. Stuff is g2g btw. Holy shit