chest/arms? chest/shoulders? chest/shoulders/traps?

Shoulders for sure. You can go lighter and with limited sets, being that they are already pre-exhausted from doing Chest.
Chest/ biceps........I used to do.... chest /shoulders I pushed it too hard and injured one of my rotator cuffs.
i have started doing chest with aaron maddron does

monday...chest and calves
friday...shoulders and hamstrings
saturday...biceps and triceps

i think it is better to do completely unrelated muscle groups together...think about can you put super effort forth on triceps if you have just been benching and flying heavy...triceps are synergists in both those exercises...
good point little arnold, I had always done the pre exhaustion- chest/tris, back/bis,
your split looks interesting, I will try it next time I change my routine
I never do anything else with chest, it takes too much outta me. If you're working hard, you should be beat by the end of a chest workout. I find that finishing with cables kills me nicely.
Most of the time I do chest and calves. Once in a while, I'll do chest and bi's just to change it up a bit.