Chest Fat.....


New member
I have a little that just wont seem to go away.... its not gyno I have had it checked out and no breast tissue. So what the hell can I do??
push-ups, dips, dumbell flys all are good chest exercises that will help, you may need to get your overall bodyfat % lower as well.
AngryMuscles said:
hard ass diet and cardio. it is hard but meh, someone has to do it
Yeah I know it I do cardio when I am on land but while at work for 2 weeks at a time all i can do is climb stairs and LOTS of them and lift.... Do runnun stairs count they get my heart rate up really good. They are 10 flights up 10 flights down 5 times then i cant walk right
it's just diet bro. fat and muscle are two distinct types of tissue. In this case, you've got a layer of fat over top of your muscle. So what happens if you make the muscle bigger? Nothing other than pushing the fat out farther. So what you need to do is get your BF % lower and the fat will come off. Everyone is different. Some people colect fat in other places. I collect it right around my belly button. I can get to the point where my serratus is striated but I still have an unsightly spare tire right around my belly button. when I really get to the low BF% numbers, that belly fat melts off.
bigger than lavar wat i sconsidered low bf, i just posted pics of me before and after(training section).........right now im 11.9% bodyfat, but still have just alittle on chest and stomach, at what percentage do you think its mostly gone?
decaboy315 said:
bigger than lavar wat i sconsidered low bf, i just posted pics of me before and after(training section).........right now im 11.9% bodyfat, but still have just alittle on chest and stomach, at what percentage do you think its mostly gone?

You are not 11.9% bf... you have a lot of work to do. Diet is key in this situation. You can do all the roids you want but you not going to keep any of your gains unless your diet and training are in check long before you even consider roids.