chicken diet


New member
How does a diet of only chicken, salads, little oatmeal in the morning, some brown rice with the chicken, protien shakes, and a little fruit occasionally . Would this be a good diet to follow when Im trying to burn fat or am I missing something?
Sounds good to me....

U just described the diet i did last year but it didnt consist of just chicken. I ate 8 meals a day of just any meat with a veggie side..
2 of those meals where 0 carb pro shakes. I didnt touch rice though.
it worked out great for me.......
And of course all the supplements.....
I mean it wasnt just chicken its like i descrived up top..

When i started i was 215 15% bf and 3 months later i was 193 6% bf..

Pics r in pic section........