chiseled workout


New member
This may sound weird but I don't want to be huge, I want to be ripped, chiseled whatever you call it. I have been told to do more reps with less weight and alot more cardio. Is this true, and are there any great routines out there that someone would like to share with me. I am mainly focusing from waiste up.
the reason i am neglecting my legs is because i played offensive line during high school and we worked our legs so much my legs are to big for my body. So I figured if i don't push them hard they won't get any bigger and maybe the running will trim the fat off.

Does anyone know of some good routines. The only routine i know of is my football routine and that is all bulking.

If you are happy with the current amount of muscle mass on your frame, then you need to maintain the same training intensity you are trianing with now and modify your diet. Eat tons of protein and eat lean. In order to become ripped, you don't need less weight and more reps...what you need is LESS body fat to reveal the lean ripped muscle tissue that lies beneath. You can accomplish this by incorporating cardio and a strict lean diet. If you would like to be ripped with some good size as well, which most of all us do, then continue to bulk until the wanted size is there, then diet and do lots of cardio. There are other small factors involved, but these are the basics. Some people will disagree, but lighter weights and more repetitions will not develop a ripped physique. You simply have to reveal the underlying muscle by removing the fat that covers them. Now you must consider whether you will have enough muscle under the fat to give you the look you want. A competitive bodybuilder once told me that the best thing a wight trainer can do is prepare for a contest whether you actually enter it or not. This and only this will allow you to see what is actually there and where your improvements need to be. It teaches you so much about your body.