How'd you know mprtz...not really. Last cycle my diet had to much red meat, cheese, butter, and eggs. I've now cleaned it up a lot. I get about 3,600 cals on legs day, 3,400 the other 4 days, then about 2000 on of days. On legs day it's around 420 pro, 200 g carb and 150 g fat. Off days it's 420 g pro, 40 g carb, and and about 30-40 g fat. On the other 4 days I drop my carbs to 150. I eat 5 meals daily, the first two contain almost all my fats, and the last three my carbs. I no longer am eating cheese, butter(I've using butter flavored sprinkles), fatty red meat, and only two eggs for breakfast now. All my fats are coming from fish, lean meàts, nuts, coconut oil, olive oil, and sunflower oil. Lots of green veggies the first two meals too. After training I eat my three carb meals, especially since I take my igf1 afterwards. I'm also taking 10g fish oil now, niacin, garlic, vit e, green tea, and the red yeast rice. Hopefully the new change will keep my values in check and allow me to continue to cycle. Hoping my bloods come back good so I can add my tren and bump the doses up for my short 5 wk blast, before going oversees for my new job in Qatar. Bu the way, does anybody know if steroids are legal in Qatar? Here's my meal plan on legs day;
2 eggs
1/2 container egg whites
3 tbsp olive oil
Green pepper
Meal 2
1/2 container egg whites
8 ounces swai
Tbsp sunflower oil
1 ounce nuts
Bunch of spinach
Meal 3(pwo)
2 scoops whey/w creatine an leucine
One Builders organic protein bar
1 cup white rice
Meal 4
20 ounces chicken
1 cup oats
Meal 5
16 ounces chicken
2 medium sweet potatoes