Cholesterol levels way high


New member
My doc just looked back at my cholesterol levels from 2 days after my last cycle and they were 459. It's been about 2 months now, how long do you think they will take to return to baseline? Have any of you ever had levels that bad? I am only 24 and just started my next cycle.
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Wish I could answer your question, but damn that's troubling.
Did you tell him about your use? Did he give you anything to bring them down? Did you ask him how long it would take?
I'd want to get tested again ASAP to make sure things were heading in the right direction.
Chinese Red Yeast Rice. Take 250mg/day. Also take it on cycle. It keep cholesterol in check. It has to be imported from China or Japan as the Red Yeast rice sold in the US has the Statins removed due to the FDA and big Pharma comanies complaining. See they dont sell lipitor and crestor etc when people can just buy Red Yeast Rice instead. You can get it off of Amazon. Hard Rhino I think is the vendor.
Great, I'll order some. I just started my next cycle, hope my levels are currently ok. I'm getting bloodwork tomorrow, should have done it before starting.
Chinese Red Yeast Rice. Take 250mg/day. Also take it on cycle. It keep cholesterol in check. It has to be imported from China or Japan as the Red Yeast rice sold in the US has the Statins removed due to the FDA and big Pharma comanies complaining. See they dont sell lipitor and crestor etc when people can just buy Red Yeast Rice instead. You can get it off of Amazon. Hard Rhino I think is the vendor.

Good info Jimithing I didnt know this..... Been using vitamin shoppe red yeast... im sure they are wholly FDA compliant like the little bitches they are.

Anyway I just placed my order from amazon.... thanks !
I just placed my order on ebay 5 mins ago for two bootles of chinesse red yeast rice. Not going to stop my cycle despite my 459 cholesterol level, but I'll be starting this in a couple days. I'm going the shot ester blast and cruise route with test and tren, so hopefully my levels won't take quite a hit any more. I'm also not going to run orals anymore. I I think it was the quad stack ph I took weeks 13-16 of my last cycle that really jacked my levels, that and a high fat low carb bulk diet.
I just placed my order on ebay 5 mins ago for two bootles of chinesse red yeast rice. Not going to stop my cycle despite my 459 cholesterol level, but I'll be starting this in a couple days. I'm going the shot ester blast and cruise route with test and tren, so hopefully my levels won't take quite a hit any more. I'm also not going to run orals anymore. I I think it was the quad stack ph I took weeks 13-16 of my last cycle that really jacked my levels, that and a high fat low carb bulk diet.

Oh the recklessness of youth...
I'm hoping I'll be ok, since I'm only doing short ester blasts(4-6 wks), followed by 6-8 off. I've researched Bill Roberts on this and cholesterol is less likely to take as much of a hit and then your off soon allowing them to return to baseline quicker. I'm getting my bloodwork tomorrow and if my cholesterol is still out of whack I'll just come off and question myself as to why I started without bloodwork, which I'm actually already doing.
Would you say that I most likely have a bad effect because of my genetics and that I should avoid gear altogether? I have longevity in my genetics and heart issues have not been a problem in my family. If I take adequate time off, do short blasts with injectables only, and take Chinese red yeast rice, vit e, niacin, garlic, lecithin, green tea, and maybe baby aspirin, that I could do this safely and give it another shot sometime? The cycle that caused this consisted of tren at 525mg/wk, dbol kick, some ment throughout and a quad stack ph with methylsten to end it, as well as two dozen eggs daily.It was a 16 weeker. I really think the quad ph and eggs sent them to epic levels.
I'm actually still cruising on 300mg test a week now until I get my bloods Monday. That way if everything looks ok I can get back to my short 5 week blast. If not, I'll just drop everything. I do have my Chinese red yeast rice now.
How'd you know mprtz...not really. Last cycle my diet had to much red meat, cheese, butter, and eggs. I've now cleaned it up a lot. I get about 3,600 cals on legs day, 3,400 the other 4 days, then about 2000 on of days. On legs day it's around 420 pro, 200 g carb and 150 g fat. Off days it's 420 g pro, 40 g carb, and and about 30-40 g fat. On the other 4 days I drop my carbs to 150. I eat 5 meals daily, the first two contain almost all my fats, and the last three my carbs. I no longer am eating cheese, butter(I've using butter flavored sprinkles), fatty red meat, and only two eggs for breakfast now. All my fats are coming from fish, lean meàts, nuts, coconut oil, olive oil, and sunflower oil. Lots of green veggies the first two meals too. After training I eat my three carb meals, especially since I take my igf1 afterwards. I'm also taking 10g fish oil now, niacin, garlic, vit e, green tea, and the red yeast rice. Hopefully the new change will keep my values in check and allow me to continue to cycle. Hoping my bloods come back good so I can add my tren and bump the doses up for my short 5 wk blast, before going oversees for my new job in Qatar. Bu the way, does anybody know if steroids are legal in Qatar? Here's my meal plan on legs day;

2 eggs
1/2 container egg whites
3 tbsp olive oil
Green pepper

Meal 2
1/2 container egg whites
8 ounces swai
Tbsp sunflower oil
1 ounce nuts
Bunch of spinach

Meal 3(pwo)
2 scoops whey/w creatine an leucine
One Builders organic protein bar
1 cup white rice

Meal 4
20 ounces chicken
1 cup oats

Meal 5
16 ounces chicken
2 medium sweet potatoes
I understand u want to continue your cycle and I have done the same thing you have before. But it made me really stressed thinking about my cholesterol all the time. Also your heart is the last thing you want to fuck up.Alot of people have heart attacks and usually the after math is pretty bad. You should stop everything for around 6 months and get your levels steady.
I know what you mean, since I'm not completely off, I wonder when something could just strike without warning. To be honest, I'm still taking 20 mg tren everyday along with a little mast, and 25 mg proviron. That and my test dose. They are pretty low doses. If the bloodwork shows my levels are much better I'll bump the doses back up, if not, I'm dropping everything. I should have the results Wednesday .
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