choosing the right supplement

about a year, but i have only been on creatine/protein, i stopped lifting for about 3 a month period, iv gained about 25 lbs since i started, but now its extremely hard to get any more bulk on me, my arms are only 14.5, i wanna try to get around 18 or so and just want an extra boost
i drink about a gallon of water a day, i avoid most sweets, a snickers here and there maybe 2-3 times a week. i dont drink any type of sodas (coke,pepsi, etc) for breakfast i drink orange juice with crackers, lunch usually consists of an apple or plantain chips with rice, dinner is almost always chickenbreast with white rice, sometimes ill have a steak instead.

i workout about 3-4 times a week, chest on 1 day, bis/tris on day 2, back/abs on day 3, and when i can i do legs on day 4. i do about 250 pushups everyday i dont go to the gym.
seriously man . you can't be serious that you cannot grow past 14.5 inch arms. you HAVE to eat more. EAT EAT. your going to hear this from everyone else to. do yourself a big favor, and lay off the gear, and read, training form, diet form, supp form. keep reading. you will be doing yourself a big big favor if you do that.

and don't go doing 250 pushups everyday not ni the gym. give yourself a chance to rest/recover
Seriously, those aren't meals, those are snacks. Breakfast is your fuel for the day, and all you're eating are crackers. I'm gonna echo Onyx and say forget the gear. With your diet and training program, you'd be wasting it and end up doing more harm than good. Read, research (there's great info in the diet and training forums), eat, and hit the weights - you do things right and you'll start gaining. I think your diet is definitely holding you back right now.

Remember: the more food on your plate the more plates on your bar.
Eat seems as if neither your diet nore your training does have anything like a plan. You do legs IF YOU HAVE TIME? What's that? beach-bodybuilding?
You have added a GOOD amount of muscle nevertheless (if you havent gotten much fatter) and now get your diet and training in check, up the protein and eat - as others said. Absolutely NO need for gear.
Gear would be a waste without a proper diet. Remember, it's not some magic bullet that will make you get bigger. How can you get bigger if you aren't getting in enough food to build the mass? It can't just pull the neccesary calories out of the air.

How big are you? As you get bigger, you will need to eat a lot more to grow.
And having 23-inch arms should be the furthest worry from your mind if you're at 14 1/2 right now.
Good choice bro.
Just yesterday I read in one of the German boards in the roids section how miserably newbies do and how they feel and such. Please - if you EVER consider using gear SOAK IN AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE!! READ READ READ, ok? Unless you are already really big, really strong you don't need them - you made the right decision *thumbs up*
im doubling my meat/poultry intake with 2 big meals a day, im also going to start buying lots of cereal and fruits for breakfast, which can serve for snacks inbetween meals as well. thanks for all the info and advice again, btw im 5"10 and weigh 170 with 12% bf, remeasured and im at 14" arms, i had measured right after a workout so i was a little inflated i suppose :D
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At 170 lbs, you'll want to start eating at least 2800 calories a day probably and see if you start gaining off that. Keep track of your weekly weight change and if nothing is moving, then increase that to 3000 or so and see what happens.