Chunks in my Test Enan


Perverted Old Man
I couldn't resist...I found an UGL that produces and sells Test Enan in 50ml 250mg/ml (Morning Star Labs) for CHEAP (as cheap to buy from him as it is to make it myself!!!). I received the Jug last week...stored it until this morning, and found that since I received it there are now chunks (fairly large crystals) floating in the oil. How should I fix this seperation with Test Enan? Double boiler it with a needle in the stoper for aspiration while heating? If so, how long do I heat the vial? What may have caused this seperation?
Thanks in advance Bros...much appreciated.
From MY experience... Test enan in its raw form is like wax at room temperature. It gladly goes into solution with oil well above 250mg/ml. Ive made up to 400 and know others whov made it up to 600mg/ml with NO solvents.

This kinda goes along with my pervious post in the anabolic forum...good test enan will not crash out of solution at 250mg/ml room temp. Again, this stuff sounds suspect, reheat on the eye of your stove (dont put it in the microwave like that tard told you to) and swirl till it clears. It may or may not hold after that. Either way my enan has never crashed.
enan is soluable in oil. you aint got enan. it may be some short ester stuff. do as dougy says and heat it til it clears up. not in hot water either. put it directly on the eye of an ELECTRIC stove on medium high. aspiarte it and swirl every 30 secs or so. it will clear up quickly.

some of these labs are scary. how can you mess up enan?
hell if i can understand how to make enan, its gonna be one hell of an interestin story how a good lab fudged up enan.....
good lab? PBs Consults and Chem section make them look really bad. and we aim to please. so send you woman too.
All canadian orders please contact Drypoke Incorporated...Wimmin included!

For PBs Consults and Chem section, please send all female mammals..he'll please em all! no stone left unturned!
My source fo rthis Enan...who is also the chemist/lab/etc. said he "experimented" with this batch by making a Test Enan without any BA/BB....??? He said that he has received other complaints about this batch and has retired it altogether. He offered to send me some BA to resuspend it, and he suggested that I heat it as well...whichever I choose. He has not offered to send me a new batch, which is odd.

So here is my question: Is it true that one could attempt to make a Test Enan batch without BA? If it is crashing at room temperature, is it still potent and correctly dosed Test Enan? Is it crashing due to no BA?

I injected one CC (250mg/cc) on Saturday in my right quad and felt absolutely NO pain at all...smooth as butter.
I made my test enan with no ba and its holding fine. Enanthate has no problem holding with no solvent. Like others said enan is soluable in oil.
Spartie said:
My source fo rthis Enan...who is also the chemist/lab/etc. said he "experimented" with this batch by making a Test Enan without any BA/BB....??? He said that he has received other complaints about this batch and has retired it altogether. He offered to send me some BA to resuspend it, and he suggested that I heat it as well...whichever I choose. He has not offered to send me a new batch, which is odd.

So here is my question: Is it true that one could attempt to make a Test Enan batch without BA? If it is crashing at room temperature, is it still potent and correctly dosed Test Enan? Is it crashing due to no BA?

I injected one CC (250mg/cc) on Saturday in my right quad and felt absolutely NO pain at all...smooth as butter.

your sourse is a dumbass. he "experimented" WTF is that? BA does not suspend enan. enan is a solution when added to oil. some of these underground labs are too much. that dumbass needs to learn how to make gear before he sells it. Moron is what he is. now he aint gonna stand behind it after he fucked it up. he needs his little ass spanked for being so stupid.

you guys have a nice day and be safe out there.
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Just to add top what PB said, I have made Test Enan at over 500mg/ml with no BB or BA. and its never crashes..

If you have every tried making it yourself you can easly see how quickly it goes into suspension with alittle heat... I added alittle BA to it and had it held over 900mg/ml....... The easiest thing I have ever converted..

Something is wrong if thats the case...

spartie all this aside, enan is dirt cheap. get yourself a new bottle from a different lab/source/"so-called chemist" and never do business with this dude again.
DougoeFre5h said:
spartie all this aside, enan is dirt cheap. get yourself a new bottle from a different lab/source/"so-called chemist" and never do business with this dude again.

Good Advice, Injecting gear someone else made is alwasy alitlle risky, and when you now know its not what it should be WTF is it that your injecting? Bin it and chalk it up to experience.