Chunks on bottom of tren vial


Quick question. I looked at my vials of tren that i made about a month back and i see some sort of brown jelly looking stuff sitting at the bottom. I shook it a little and it broke up into chunks and floated around then settled to the bottom again. Should i do anything about this? Refilter, rebake, etc..? thanks

It's made from component th. Ill try heating it, ill let you know how it runs out. Thanks bro

I heated it at 250 for an hour and the chunks are still in there. Should i refilter it? Thanks

jarbulldog said:
shit never seen that before, that sucks i also use componet th

Yea its strange. It happened in both of my vials though. Im not looking foward to refiltering all 150ml's.

prbaflexed said:
wouldn't that be oxidation.

Probably not ..... when you don't get all the binders/fillers and heat it, they turn a reddish color, that's why you see some guys with golden tren and sometimes you see the reddish colored tren.

I'm guessing that after sitting for a month the binders just crapped out of solution. If I were you I'd probably just let it settle out then draw out the tren and hope none of the crap got in my syringe :)

But to be on the safe side you may want to refilter it.
Put that shit in the trash. Dont take the chance of infection!!!!!
Put that shit in the trash. Dont take the chance of infection!!!!!

Bro, whatre you talking about. You obviously have no clue. This tren has already been ran thru a sterile whatman, and baked twice. So tell me how i am going to get an infection.

I am going to refilter it, i assumed it was some of the binders. Thanks for the help.

NYCEE said:
Cool thanks bro. So, should i refilter it or just draw around it?


Here's what I did, I filtered it again...and it went through the filter. So I baked it, and most got baked onto the vial. The rest I just drew around, but I accidentally injected some...and then after no ill-effects and being frugal, I just said 'fuck it' and pretended it wasn't there.

Moral of the story: now that tren powder is available, get that instead of cow patties. :)
Ill just draw around it, i have plenty filters, but since you said it might make it thru anyway, i wont waste the filters. I am going to be using tren powder from now on. Thanks bro.