CKD diet opinions?!!


New member
ok i am really thinkin bout doing the ckd diet and i just wanted some peoples opinions here! any info and opinions would be great. il need help with this one.
I too have had success, and fosty is absolutley correct. The carb up is extremely important. I dropped alot of weight, but felt very flat, and strength decreased quite a bit
i have used ckd in the past and i liked it ....but what i hated was the flat look and also strength sucked

try this:

monday- weds am- low carbs

wed pm- eat whatever you want

thursday-sun am- low carbs

sun pm -eat whatever you want

found this article from t-nation :

The Cheater's Diet
A Complete Program to Maximize Your Cutting Cycles
by Joel Marion

my 2 cents
thanks man thats not a bod idea. its kinda like a carb load every 3 or 4 days huh. anyone else have anything to say bout it?
The key to good workouts on the CKD (in my experience, at least) is to a. make sure you take full advantage of the carb-up by not doing any exercise the day of prior to your first workout after the carb-up and b. use stimulants (ephedrine and caffeine or yohimbine and caffeine) to energize subsequent workouts throughout the week.
thanks for the info. im gald it works pretty good. so how long has everyone stayed on the CKD? whats a decent time so i can lose good BF% but then go on a lean bulk cycle/diet/train? thanks