Clear Semen after cycle ??


New member
Hello all, i recently got done with a Helladrol cycle. I cycled off with the PCT that came with the stack including nolvadex 20mg/day for 20 days. its day 23 and i stopped the nolva and im still running the pct with daa and other supps. Im gonna get to the point. I noticed that i hardley ever get an urge to beat my meat anymore. I can still get an erection, but i never have the urge to like i used to sometimes. I also noticed that before the cycle, when i took a piss after an intercourse, the piss was mixed with white semen. Now, my piss is clear mixed with thick viscosity looking clear semen. Not to be gross or anything but i dont know any better way to explain my situation. Whats going on ?? Is this signs of my sex drive dying out ? Should i get back on the Nolva? ive tried pinching my nipples, theyre fine. Please tell me this is normal ? Ive never lost my sex drive on any of the cycles ive done so im allitle terrified.
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Nolva and Clomid restart test in different ways, nolva tricks the body as a whole into producing more but Clomid goes straight to the testicles to restart. I think the daa you have will fix the situation within a few weeks. Or grab some Clomid it'll kick you test into production and increase your hpta which is basically your sex drive. I often wonder why people don't run nolva and Clomid together the stack is cheap and you need nothing eles.
Hello all, i recently got done with a Helladrol cycle. I cycled off with the PCT that came with the stack including nolvadex 20mg/day for 20 days. its day 23 and i stopped the nolva and im still running the pct with daa and other supps. Im gonna get to the point. I noticed that i hardley ever get an urge to beat my meat anymore. I can still get an erection, but i never have the urge to like i used to sometimes. I also noticed that before the cycle, when i took a piss after an intercourse, the piss was mixed with white semen. Now, my piss is clear mixed with thick viscosity looking clear semen. Not to be gross or anything but i dont know any better way to explain my situation. Whats going on ?? Is this signs of my sex drive dying out ? Should i get back on the Nolva? ive tried pinching my nipples, theyre fine. Please tell me this is normal ? Ive never lost my sex drive on any of the cycles ive done so im allitle terrified.

Having semen mixed with your urine is a sign of retrograde ejaculation, you should see someone about that. It means your bladder sphincter isn't doing it's job for some reason.
Lack of gyno is not a sign of proper recovery from PCT. You should get bloodwork done if you have the means to so you can see where your T levels are as well as your E2 etc. Lack of libido can be linked to hormonal imbalance, but also to depression or anxiety. You could also try Torem if you wanted to try more PCT, which is a SERM like clomid and nolva, but from my experience yields better results for your testes.
Nolva and Clomid restart test in different ways, nolva tricks the body as a whole into producing more but Clomid goes straight to the testicles to restart. I think the daa you have will fix the situation within a few weeks. Or grab some Clomid it'll kick you test into production and increase your hpta which is basically your sex drive. I often wonder why people don't run nolva and Clomid together the stack is cheap and you need nothing eles.

Youre saying that with DAA, i should be fine in a few weeks? What i have on me right now is 20 pills Nolvadex 20 mg/each that i havent taken. Should i still order the clomid and wait 2 weeks for the shipping before i start the nolva ?
Lack of gyno is not a sign of proper recovery from PCT. You should get bloodwork done if you have the means to so you can see where your T levels are as well as your E2 etc. Lack of libido can be linked to hormonal imbalance, but also to depression or anxiety. You could also try Torem if you wanted to try more PCT, which is a SERM like clomid and nolva, but from my experience yields better results for your testes.

The problem is ill have to order it and itll take 2 weeks from that point on to get here. Do you think i have that much time? will this worsen?
andro thats why you should always have excess on hand. I'm off right now and i still have prami, letro, hcg and torem in my cabinet just incase someone needs them. no matter the time its worth doing
andro thats why you should always have excess on hand. I'm off right now and i still have prami, letro, hcg and torem in my cabinet just incase someone needs them. no matter the time its worth doing

ive been doing 10 mg nolva a day since yesterday, i have 20 days worth more. Also with the daa, and the pct itself. I think its working.
Having semen mixed with your urine is a sign of retrograde ejaculation, you should see someone about that. It means your bladder sphincter isn't doing it's job for some reason.

no way..... Ive had that happen to me before... it was while i was shitting really hard.. I went and got a STD check after that cuz I thought it was something I caught from some strange lol OUCH! cotton swabs sting the pee hole sooooo bad!!!!
no way..... Ive had that happen to me before... it was while i was shitting really hard.. I went and got a STD check after that cuz I thought it was something I caught from some strange lol OUCH! cotton swabs sting the pee hole sooooo bad!!!!

LOL! I guess you are much more than a kronicmstrb8r!
i went down to 5 mg nolva per day 2 days ago. I know that doesnt make a difference but im tapering off as much as i can. I only have about 4 20 mg pills left so im trying not to risk it. So far so good.
no way..... Ive had that happen to me before... it was while i was shitting really hard.. I went and got a STD check after that cuz I thought it was something I caught from some strange lol OUCH! cotton swabs sting the pee hole sooooo bad!!!!

I concur to both!

I try not to masturbate (reasons why would be too much to type here but it has to do with success, aggression, alpha-ness). And it's fairly normal for some semen to come out during a big round with turdzilla or sometimes during the morning piss after you've had morning wood and some nice dreams. :)

And yes! Cotton swab in the pee pee hole is never a fun thing. But the memory of it reminds me of a joke! "My doctor has been touching my balls during my physicals for 10 years... I run my fingers through his hair once, and I'm the weirdo?"