Clen and Letro/Nolva... Advice Please?


New member
Hey everyone,

I'm new to the forum and still a newbie. Some advice would help a lot.
I ran my first PH cycle of Megaplexx at 18 yrs (2 yrs ago) with OTC Arimiplex and milk thistle. Yeah I know it was the dumbest decision in the world. Way too young, terrible PH, no knowledge of the shit whatsoever, etc. but I honestly had no clue. Buddy of mine shared it with me and said it was a test booster. I was new to the world of supplements so had no idea and I tried it. Because we shared, cycle ran out after two weeks and we had to order more. Due to delay, we took chrysin while off cycle, and continued the rest of cycle after a week of chrysin. Nips were mad sore and tender. That's when I got scared and started to do my research to learn more about the stuff. I then finished off my cycle PCTing with Arimiplex (another bad idea, but didnt know about SERM's at time). Gains were good but side effects were worst. Gyno started to develop and it got real bad, saw a doc and he said leave it and it will go away (wtf?) I did so and just continued to lift and diet. A few months ago, I ran some letro from cemproducts to get rid of gyno. went through 30ml (2.5mg/ml) starting with .5mg, upping dose til 2.5, continued at 2.5 then tapered down to .5 til it was gone. Noticed it helped make the lumps smaller but they are still there. Then i ran nolva 20mg with Vitrix to prevent estrogen rebound and bring libido up. After a few days, the nolva gave me stomach pains and made me throw up everything I ate so i discontinued use. The gyno is still there, I have no libido (test levels are low) and I'm at about 14.5% BF so I was thinking about running letro again alongside with clen to lower BF (cause fatty tissue also clings on around nipple area) and PCTing it with nolva (maybe i just had a bad batch the first time?) and DAA to bring up test levels. Just a thought.. Some input would be nice. Also, Im epileptic so I am on some meds. You think thats what reacted with the nolva resulting in bad sides? Anyway, I know it was a huge mistake with the plexx but I've learned from it. Doing plenty of research now and trying to get as much help as possible.

Thanks guys.
damn thats crazy... im not surprised about what your doc said, most of them dont know shit about steroids and have even less knowledge about serms or AI's or PCT when coming off. as for your young mistake, just stay off PH and AAS til u r 25 or so. eat well & stick to basic supps... i was lucky when i was 18 that no one offered me gear, because i would have taken them as well. i had no knowledge of AAS then. anyway, stick around and learn as much as u can